Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Hoboken School All Day Singing (Cooper Book)
Hoboken, Georgia
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The singing was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by David Lee and Bryant Lee leading 68b (walked time). The morning prayer was offered by Jason Deal. Don Clark acted as the Arranging Committee.
Leaders: Clarke Lee and Riley Lee 148, 133; Julie Lee and Kathy Lee 558, 374; Don Clark 320; Amy Lee 47t; Lee Bradley 264b; Ernestine Pipkin 276; Louis Hughes 138t; Marcia Johnson 216; Jason Deal 58; Reba Windom 559; Bob Bonnell 511b; Jesse Roberts 132; Judy Mincey 140; Eddie Mash 541; Stanley Smith 123b.
Riley Lee brought the class back to order leading 571. Leaders: Shane O’Neal 283t; Mike Jones 285t; Eleanor Haase 575; Eric Brough 410; Virginia Douglas 49b; Karen Clark and Carol Buche 430; Jeremy Shipp 239; Syble Adams 575; April Dell 268t; Jenny Willard and Keith Willard 573; Tom Owen 416t; Laura Densmore 370; Steven Levine 516; Bobbie Watkins and Mercy Watkins 68t.
David Lee and Clarke Lee brought the class back to order leading 274t. David Lee conducted the memorial lesson, and he and some of the young people from the community led 29b for the deceased. Elder Clarke Lee offered prayer to close the memorial service.
Leaders: Tollie Lee 319; Jenny Steuver 393t; Judy Whiting 507b; Jessica Altman 112; Brenda Carroll 270; Karen Willard and Ken Hallock 448; Anna Pfau 300; Sonny Huckaby 400; Cassie Allen 292b; Micah Roberts 348t ; T.J. Willard 145b; John Plunkett 271b; Louis Hughes, Jr. 38t.
Clarke Lee brought the class back to order leading 28b. Leaders: Tommie Spurlock 574; Bob Goodman 500; Tom Ivey 508; Bill Hogan and Nancy Hogan 490; Kathryn Eastburn 449; Jane Spencer 408; Jim Pfau 98; Stephen Conte 486; Blake Tanedo 540; Bobbie Goodell 42; Carol Buche and Karen Clark 218; Mary Elizabeth Lee 192; David Gibson 132; Alice Bejnar and Tor Bejnar 377b; Trevor East 358; Brian Tanedo 100.
David Lee brought the singing back to order leading 76b. Leaders: Frank Strickland 107t; Laurie Sommers 135; Cole Hodges and April Dell 488b; Ashley Roberts 434; Brooks Strickland and Tatum Strickland 40; Ellie Soler 447t; Joey Bullard 511t; Jimmy Brannen 78; Morgan Bunch and Sue Bunch 375; Kathy Williams 186; Tony Batten and Lynn Batten 164; James Byron Conner 64; Kenny Hickox and Debra Hickox 412; Bill Hogan 567; Phillip Reeves 35; Johnny Lee, Delorese Lee, and children 41.
Announcements were made. David Lee and Clarke Lee thanked everyone for coming. David Lee, Clarke Lee, Bryant Lee, and Riley Lee led 207 as the closing song. Elder Tollie Lee dismissed the class with prayer.
Secretary—Amy Lee.