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East Texas Sacred Harp Singing Convention (Cooper Book)

Henderson Community Center, Henderson, Texas

August 13-14, 2005

Saturday, August 13

The one hundred thirty-seventh session of the East Texas Sacred Harp Singing Convention met at the Henderson Community Center in Henderson, Texas on the second Sunday and Saturday before in August. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by John Morris leading 528b.

This year marks the one hundred-fiftieth anniversary since the singing’s inception in 1855. The convention disbanded for a few years during the Civil War and regrouped in 1868 and has met continuously since that time. The morning prayer was offered by Robert Vaughn.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Sam Craig; Vice Chairman—Robert Vaughn; Treasurer—David Rousseau; Secretaries—Sherry Vaughn and Carole Watts.

Leaders: Emmie Morris 171; Terre Schill 112; John Plunkett 477; Baron Powers 239; Liz Owen 212; Kay Weidner 572; Sandra Wilkinson 217; Tom Owen 434; James Mason 574; Myrl Jones 142; Nate Green and Norma Green 301.


Buzz Fullen, mayor of Henderson, gave welcoming remarks then announcements were made. The class was called to order by Diane Ross leading 300.

Leaders: Tommie Spurlock 140; Esther Huckaby 270; Katie Moseley 99; Aubrey Barfield 220; Chris Adams 508; Rodney Ivey 559; A.A. Smith, Jr. 53; Joan Aldridge 511t.


The class was called to order by John Morris leading 558. Leaders: Owen Ross 214; Crystal Meadows 522; Neil Vaughn 47b; Vivian Rogan 282; Joshua McClain 567; Donald Ross 148; Gary Rogan 166; Grant Howard 72; Doris Hanks 450; Tim McClain 440b; Beverly Coates 416b; Catherine Rogan 218; Lynnette Howard 133; Shane Wootten 98; Mike Hinton 146; Ernestine Pipkin 497; John Etheridge 156; Ryan Ross 470; Syd Caldwell 414; Al Rogers 63; Gaylon Powell 524; Troxel Ballou 268t. Donald Ross offered prayer for the noon meal.


The class was brought to order by John Morris leading 345t. Leaders: Trevor Howard 58; Nancy Powell 397; Seth Howard 39; Melanie Parker 159; Barbara Newell 277; Sonny Erwin 505; Frank Hataway 395b; Dale Redmon, Jr. 514; Josh Rogan 478; Stanley Smith 512; Linda Booker 410; Leon Ballinger 137; John Beard 288; Bruce Coates 571; Kevin Powell 383; Ray Quigley 293b; Amanda Blevins 128; Charlie Vaughn 549.


The class was brought to order by Reed Coates leading 198. Leaders: Kevin Lee 183; James Mason 299; H.P. O’Mary 449; Mickie Sheppard 365; Jeb Owen 544; Shera Parker 100; Dennis George 561; Amanda Owen 442t; Bob McLemore 358; Scott Curran 543; Billy Huckaby 424; Ben Brown 132; Jo Pendleton and Jonathan Taft 348t; Donn Howard 484; Charles Walthall 493.

Stanley Smith lead 361 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed in prayer led by Gary Rogan.

Saturday Night, August 13

The one hundred fiftieth anniversary of the East Texas Sacred Harp Singing Convention met at the Depot Museum in Henderson, Texas at 6:00 p.m. for the Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony.

Between sixty and seventy followers and supporters met for the unveiling of the marker granted by the State of Texas to commemorate this historical event. Members and visitors were welcomed by Rusk County Judge, Honorable Sandra Hodges. David Rousseau introduced speakers John Plunkett, Mike Hinton, and Judge Donald Ross. John Plunkett led 422t and Donald Ross led 168. All gave moving accounts of what Sacred Harp meant to them.

Susan Weaver invited Mr. Charlie Vaughn to help her unveil the marker. Because of a grammatical error that had to be corrected, the actual marker did not arrive until after the convention. Susan had the text printed so all could read what it would say. It has since been installed on the Depot Grounds. Refreshments were served and the evening was enjoyed by all.

Sunday, August 14

The Sunday session was opened at 9:15 a.m. by John Morris leading 174. The morning prayer was offered by Tom Owen. Leaders: Cheryl Foreman 75; Joan Smith 127; Monnie Ross 335; David Rousseau 341; Don Howard 283t; Pete Mathewson 32t; Shane Wootten 54t; Billy Huckaby 68t; Ryan Ross 402; Kay Weidner 491; John Etheridge 469; Gaylon Powell 224; Sandra Wilkinson 563; Amanda Owen 84; Rodney Ivey 319; Leon Ballinger 195; Diane Ross 40; Tim McClain 47t; Doris Hanks 427; Frank Hataway 138t; Jacob McClain 283b; Catherine Rogan 155.


John Morris brought the class to order by leading 395b. Leaders: Dennis George 392; John Beard 290; Owen Ross 111b; Nancy Powell 500; Gary Rogan 384; Tommie Spurlock 183; Seth Howard 395b; Robert Vaughn 282; Larry Hall 47b; Sarah Huckaby 196; John Plunkett 411; Trevor Howard 505; Bruce Coates 336t; Lynnette Howard 393t; Stanley Smith 181; Grant Howard 101t.

The memorial lesson was conducted. Owen Ross gave a moving devotional reading from the Scriptures in Hebrews 12. Diane Ross led 176t. Tom Owen read names of the sick and shut-ins and led 68b in their honor. Owen Ross read the list of names of those who had passed away since last year’s convention. The following were remembered: Mamie Riley—Florida; Preston McClendon, Naomi Sailors, and Gary McGraw—Georgia; John Hocutt, Ivalene Donaldson, Sherry Guthery, and Hershell King—Alabama; Elizabeth Hawkins, Louise Barber, Joe Owen, Frances Daniels, Robbie Nowlin, Ammon Reeves, Billie Beard, and Kelly Beard—Texas. Robert Vaughn led 496t in their memory. Owen Ross closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: Joan Aldridge 515; Aubrey Barfield 192; Josh Rogan 240. Bruce Coates offered prayer to bless the food for the noon meal.


John Morris brought the class back to order by leading 444t. Leaders: Charles Whitmer 218; Gaylon Powell 232, 235 (by request); Katie Moseley 65; Nate Green and Norma Green 418; Charlie Vaughn 387; Kevin Powell 563; A.A. Smith, Jr. 67; Ernestine Pipkin 110; Donald Ross 373; Joshua McClain 139; Mike Hinton and John Etheridge 434; Tom Owen 416t; Amanda Blevins 36b; Reed Coates 30b; Myrl Jones 189; Scott Curran 182; Beverly Coates 532; Crystal Meadows 38b; Vivian Rogan 49t; Chris Adams 148; Dale Redmon, Jr. 540; Sonny Erwin 339; Syd Caldwell and Stanley Smith 216; Linda Booker 572; Ray Quigley 82.

Gaylon Powell led 69 as the closing song. The class was dismissed in prayer led by Don Howard.

Chairman—Sam Craig; Vice Chairman—Robert Vaughn; Secretaries—Sherry Vaughn and Carole Watts.