Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Ohio Valley Shape Note Singing
Harrods Creek Baptist Church, Brownsboro, Kentucky
April 24-25, 2004
Saturday, April 24
The thirteenth annual Ohio Valley Shape Note Singing was held at Harrods Creek Baptist Church in Brownsboro, Kentucky on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in April. “The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition”, “Southern Harmony,” and “Cooper Book” were used both days.
The singing was opened by Michele Cull leading 59. Lee Steinmetz offered the morning prayer.
Leaders: Brenda Waters 68b; Brenda Merritt 47b; Lee Steinmetz 47t; Wayne Hartman 46; Sandie Scott 28 (SoH); Louis Hughes 56b; Bob Meek 511t (CB); Clara Herr 515; Tim Reynolds 303 (SoH); David Carlton 16 (SoH); David Rust 31b (SoH); Hans Bayer 274t; James Page “hand out”; Loraine Bayer 89t (SoH); Liz Meitzler 148; John Merritt “hand out”; Joan Aldridge 217.
Levi Bainter and his father, Chandler Bainter brought the class back to order leading 392 (CB). Leaders: John Bayer 143 (SoH); Janet Fraembs 143; Greg Howard 336t (CB); Berkley Moore 477 (CB); Jim Herr 383; Greg Creech 159; Steve Duff 488b (CB); Marilyn Burchett 38 (SoH); Jubal Bayer 85; Elizabeth Cusick 178; Elizabeth Waters 572 (CB); Bill Shetter 571 (CB); Chris Domitriou 455; Bud Oliver 39b; Bob Cull 50 (SoH); the Franklins and Bob Meek 505 (CB), 559 (CB).
The class resumed singing. Leaders: John Merritt 292 (CB), 393t (CB); Brad Behler 117; Brenda Merritt 448t; Lee Steinmetz 250; Wayne Hartman 35; Sandie Scott 487; Louis Hughes 512; Bob Meek 236; Clara Herr I07; Tim Reynolds 198; David Carlton 496; David Rust 72t (SoH); Hans Bayer 388; James Page 173b (SoH); Loraine Bayer 100; Liz Meitzler 319.
Michele Cull brought the class back to order leading 318. Leaders: John Merritt “hand out”; Joan Aldridge 84 (CB); Chandler Bainter 45t; John Bayer 300; Bob Meek 25b (SoH) (for Joan Frankel); Janet Fraembs 378b; Greg Howard 38 (CB); Berkley Moore 308 (SoH); Jim Herr 565; Greg Creech 127; Steve Duff 569.
Announcements were made. Michele Cull led 146 as the closing song. Lee Steinmetz offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Sunday, April 25
The Sunday morning session was called to order by Michele Cull leading 236, followed by the morning prayer.
Leaders: Clara Herr 49b; Bill Shetter 304 (CB); Steven Duff 163; Lee Steinmetz 163t; James Page 121 (SoH); Joan Aldridge 515 (CB); Lorraine Bayer 176; John Merritt 539 (CB); Jim Herr 30b; Berkley Moore 63 (SoH); Bud Oliver 563 (CB); Brenda Merritt 522 (CB); Jubal Bayer 87.
The class was called to order. Buford Parrish, Deacon of Harrods Creek Baptist Church, was recognized, and appreciation was extended to the church for providing their facility for the ninth year for this singing.
Leaders: Joyce Brown 505 (CB); John Bealle led 80t; Elizabeth Cusick 86; Bob Meek 324 (SoH); Louis Hughes 76; Beddie Hall 528; Liz Meitzler 245; John Bayer 490; Hans Bayer 278b; Bob Cull 313b.
The memorial lesson was held. John Merritt led 312 for the sick and shut-ins. Louis Hughes led 153 for the deceased. The memorial was closed with prayer.
Leaders: Michele Cull and Rita (Carol Emerson’s sister) 100; Karen Arnett 66; Janet Fraembs 481. Kelly Day offered the blessing for the noon meal.
The afternoon of singing began with Michele Cull leading 155. Leaders: Val Dunagan 16 (SoH); Dick Dunagan 322 (SoH); Eloise Clark and guests 540; Clara Herr and Jim Herr 384; Elizabeth Waters and Shyann Carman 393 (CB); Bill Shetter 575 (CB); Steve Duff 511 (CB); Lee Steinmetz 154; Jim Page 188; Joan Aldridge 572 (CB); Loraine Bayer 175; Jim Herr 285t; Berkley Moore 114; John Bealle 417; Elizabeth Cusick 324; Louis Hughes 276; Debbie Hall 362; Liz Meitzler 282; John Bayer 547; Karen Arnett 556; Janet Fraembs 532; Bob Meek and friend; Val Dunagan 350; Dick Dunagan 150 (SoH); Eloise Clark 48; Joyce Brown 299; Jeff Fyffe 50; Bob Cull, Mike Snearly, and John Snearly 38t (CB).
Announcements were made. The Secretary reported that thirteen states were represented at this year’s singing.
Officers for the singing which will be held in 2005 were announced: Chairlady—Michele Cull; Vice Chairman—Bob Meek; Secretary—Brenda Waters; Arranging Committee—Chandler Bainter and Tabitha Cook.
Michele Cull led 347 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed.
Chairlady—Michele Cull; Vice Chairman—Bob Meek; Secretary—Brenda Waters.