Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Cooper Book Singing

Shady Grove Baptist Church, Dutton, Alabama

Saturday, October 4, 2003

Mark Brown brought the class to order with 461. Pastor Dennis Hall offered the morning prayer. Mark Brown led 82 and turned the morning session over to Syble Adams.

Syble Adams asked that songs called by attendees be sung with no leader for a short while. Songs sung in this fashion included 29b, 38t, 54t, 57, 55, 50t, 229, and 410. Syble Adams led 84 and turned the class back to Mark Brown.

Officers are chosen on the day of the singing. Chairman/Arranging Committee—Mark Brown; Secretary—Darlene Dalton.

Leaders: Louis Hughes 138; S.T. Reed 74b, 133; Ed Thacker 107t; Joan Aldridge 515; Robert Walker 143; Gene Wootten 164; Myra Dalton 225; Henry Johnson 395t.

Mark Brown led 59 in “The Sacred Harp” (to a different tune) and dedicated it to his grandmother, Mrs. Morene “Maw-Maw” Brown.


Bud Oliver brought the class back with 440b and 563. Leaders: Tony Ivey 486; Linda Thomas 573; Eloise Wootten 572; Loretta Smith 511b; Betty Wright 395b; Billy Williams 286b; Nate Green and Norma Green 503, 544; Sandy Ivey 535t; Mike Grimes 540, 559; Dewayne Wootten 541; Cindy Tanner 516; Rodney Ivey 497; Rodney Ivey and Cassie Franklin 98; Shane Wootten 292b, 522; Hershell King 397, 204.


Mark Brown brought the class back with 335. Leaders: John Etheridge 477, 51; Amber Springfield 505; Don Clark 566, 176b; Karen Clark 498b, 509; Jo Ann Grimes and Mike Grimes 500, 488b; Rhonda Arnold and Syble Adams 559 (in memory of Syble’s mother, Delta Wootten); Syble Adams “Nearer Home” (WB), 574; Cassie Franklin 355; Louis Hughes 340; Margaret Thacker 343; Darlene Dalton 511.

Mark Brown opened the floor for recognition of the sick and shut-ins, as well as the recently deceased, and led 518 by request.

Leaders: S.T. Reed 344; Henry Johnson 378b; Ed Thacker 393t; Myra Dalton 416t; Karen Clark and Darlene Dalton 336t; Shane Wootten 478; Cassie Franklin 491; Syble Adams “Song of Praise” (her original composition).

After announcements, Mark Brown led 146 as the closing song. Louis Hughes offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Mark Brown; Secretary—Darlene Dalton.