Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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The Original B.F. White Sacred Harp
Singing Convention (White Book)

Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia

September 21, 2003

The annual singing convened with John Plunkett leading 52t. The opening prayer was offered by Henry Johnson.

Leaders: John Plunkett 48t; Sandra Wilkinson 95b (in memory of Horace Hamrick), 535 (in memory of her uncle, W.B. Wilkinson); Helen Bryson 112, 389t; Bob Goodman 60, 478t; John Hollingsworth 544t, 154b; Chairman Tom Hanson 512, 517.

The Chairman then appointed the following committees: Arranging Committee—Sandra Wilkinson and Leslie Hanson; Nominating Committee—Carol Hanson; Memorial Committee—Helen Bryson and Judy Mincey.

Leaders: Douglas Faith 461, 26 (in back of book); Lee Rogers 95t, 218; Jeannette DePoy 490b, 293b; Rodney Ivey 113, 511; Allison Ivey 224, 406.


Chairman Tom Hanson called the class to order leading 45t.

A business session was held, and the following officers were elected: Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary/Treasurer—Sandra Wilkinson.

John Plunkett provided a status report on the project to reprint the J.L White Book and announced tentative plans for the books to be available by Spring 2004. Tom Hanson expressed the desire of the Hardeman singers to have the inaugural singing from the reprinted J.L. White Book at Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church.

Leaders: Chairman John Plunkett 97; Rita Haley 63, 239; David Ivey 526, 519; Don Clark 480b, 348; Bill Hollingsworth 487t, 486t; Richard Ivey 61, 297; Wesley Haley 108t; Karen Clark 504, 550t; Lela Crowder 545t, 499. Prayer was offered at the lunch table by John Plunkett.


Tom Hanson brought the class to order leading 49b. Leaders: Henry Johnson 341, 138b; Raymond Hamrick 498t, 487b; Judy Mincey 481, 55t; Jesse Roberts 137, 222; Andy Anderson 479b, 59; Martha Ann Stegar 299, 47t; Deborah Grosse 171, 155.

Helen Bryson conducted the memorial lesson and gave a brief talk about how we should remember those who could not be here today and those who have passed away in the past year. She also recalled others from the past who had been good and faithful members of this singing class.

Judy Mincey led 540 for the following deceased: Vivian Rogers, Everette Denney, and Doris Haley—Georgia; Leola Smith, Lamar Smith, and Ruth Brown—Alabama.

Rodney Ivey led 179 for the following sick and shut-ins: Cathy White, Violet Thomason, Floyd Faith, Marlene Faith, Bill Green, Beufa Green, Quinton Watts, Grace Watts, Judy Tanksley, Cenus Heptinstall, Richard DeLong, and Kelly Beard. The memorial lesson was concluded with prayer by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: Carol Hanson 40, 380t; Joan Durdin 148, 29t; Rebecca Higgins 491t, 408; Linda Thompson 119, 101t; Leslie Hanson 274t, 388.


Chairman John Plunkett brought the class together leading 34t. Leaders: Karen Clark 264b; Bill Hollingsworth 492; Marion Wilhoite 282; Don Clark 495; Rodney Ivey, David Ivey, Allison Ivey, and Richard Ivey 491b; Henry Johnson 88t.

Following announcements, Chairman John Plunkett led 550b, and the class was dismissed with prayer led by John Hollingsworth.

Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary/Treasurer—Sandra Wilkinson.