Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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J.L. White and Eclectic Harmony Book Singing

Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia

February 23, 2002

The third annual J.L. White and Eclectic Harmony Book Singing was held at Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in February. John Plunkett called the class to order at 10:30 a.m. by leading song on page 52t (WB). Andy Morse led the class in morning prayer.

The songs used in the first session were from the J.L. White Book. Leaders: John Plunkett 77t; Malinda Snow 177; Henry Johnson 499; Sandra Wilkinson 495; Dennis George 511; Liz Bryant 544; Rodney Ivey 486t; Joan Durdin 148; Andy Morse 546t; Karen Ivey 545; John Hollingsworth 543; Judy Mincey 55t; David Ivey 478; Sharon Kellam 547; Dan Huger 38b; Lee Rogers 490; Laura Akerman 38t.


John Plunkett brought the class to order leading song on page 487t (WB).

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Liz Bryant; Secretary—Malinda Snow.

The Eclectic Harmony Book was used for the second session. Leaders: Liz Bryant 92; Judy Mincey 103; Andy Morse 90; Sharon Kellam 31; Lee Rogers 76; Sandra Wilkinson 62; Henry Johnson 70; Joan Durdin 49; Dan Huger 3; Martha Ann Stegar 99; Dennis George 50; Laura Akerman 36.


John Plunkett brought the class to order for the afternoon session leading song on page 21b (EH). Leaders: Karen Ivey 54 (EH); Malinda Snow 6 (EH); John Hollingsworth 58 (EH); David Ivey 517 (WB); Bob Goodman 110 (EH); John Plunkett 28 (EH); Liz Bryant 38b (EH); Sandra Wilkinson 496 (WB), 518 (WB); Dennis George 21t (EH); Joan Durdin 106 (EH); Malinda Snow 288 (WB); Henry Johnson 88t (WB); Karen Ivey 490t (WB); Rodney Ivey 491 (WB); Lee Rogers 18 (EH); Sharon Kellam 34 (EH); Andy Morse 12 (EH); Dan Huger 38 (EH), 40 (EH).

Announcements were made. John Plunkett led song on page 68 (EH) as the closing song. John Hollingsworth led the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Liz Bryant; Secretary—Malinda Snow.