Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

461 occurrences, 365 verses, 270 songs

A blest eternity I’ll spend

396 Notes Almost Divine

A brighter world on high.

288 White

A calm and heav’nly frame

27 Bethel

A charge to keep I have

502 A Charge to Keep

A contrite, heart, or no?

287 Cambridge

A copy, Lord, of Thine.

328 Praise God

A cordial for our fears.

47t Primrose

A country far from mortal sight

77t The Child of Grace

A country I found

369 Send A Blessing

A never-dying soul to save

502 A Charge to Keep

A Father on the road.

294 Rocky Road

A few more days of sorrow

167 Pray, Brethren, Pray

A few more days on earth to spend

134 The Christian’s Hope

368 Stony Point

A few more days, or years at most

61 Sweet Rivers

A foll’wer of the Lamb

57 Christian Soldier

309 Living Lamb

325 Soldier of the Cross

513 Joyful

A friend and helper so divine

225t Reynolds

A fruitful soil become

64 Nashville

A glorious band, the chosen few

123b Cross of Christ

A God to glorify

502 A Charge to Keep

A gracious God will mercy show

466 Haynes Creek

A hand divine shall lead you on

456 Sacred Mount

A hard, deceitful heart

141 Complainer

A heart from sin set free

328 Praise God

422 Burdette

A heart in ev’ry thought renewed

328 Praise God

A heart made clean by Thy rich blood

422 Burdette

A heart that’s sprinkled with His blood

328 Praise God

A heart with grief oppressed

535 Shawmut

A heav’n prepared for me.

77t The Child of Grace

A home in heav’n as the suff’rer lies

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n! What a joyful thought

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n when our friends are fled

41 Home in Heaven

A home in heav’n when the faint heart bleeds

41 Home in Heaven

A house of many mansions where

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

A humble contrite heart.

535 Shawmut

A land of deepest shade

47b Idumea

A life of faithful service give

568 I Want to Go to Heaven

A light to shine upon the road

27 Bethel

A little charity and zeal

207 Louisiana

A little cross with cheerfulness

207 Louisiana

A little self-denial

207 Louisiana

A little drop of Jesus’ blood

207 Louisiana

A little faith doth mighty deeds

207 Louisiana

A little patience makes us feel

207 Louisiana

A little stone the earth shall fill

207 Louisiana

A little time will make us all

98 Dull Care

A little tribulation

207 Louisiana

A little voice that’s small and still

207 Louisiana

A manger for His cradle stands

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

A mighty angel cries

438 The Marriage in the Skies

A mighty rocky road

294 Rocky Road

A mortal man ashamed of Thee?

32t Corinth

A palace a toy would appear

127 Green Fields

A place than all besides more sweet

470 The Mercy Seat

A poor wayfaring man of grief

164 Duane Street

A quick discerning eye

455 Soar Away

A remnant weak and small

63 Coronation

314 Cleburne

A soul-reviving feast

295 Odem

A righteous crown He’ll give

85 The Morning Trumpet

410b Mutual Love

A Savior’s born today.

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

A Savior meek and mild

461 Shining Star

A short time before He was slain

104 The Lovely Story

A solemn darkness veils the skies

68t Salem

163t Morning

A sov’reign balm for ev’ry wound

47t Primrose

A sting no one can tell.

414 Parting Friend

A story most lovely I’ll tell

104 The Lovely Story

A strict account to give.

502 A Charge to Keep

A sudden trembling shakes the ground.

68t Salem

163t Morning

A sun that shall never go down.

123t The Dying Christian

A sweet, refreshing show’r.

230 Converting Grace

A thousand blessings on him rest.

150 Amity

A thousand radiant marks appear

202 New Lebanon

A thousand sacred sweets

220 Mount Zion

313t Concord

565 The Hill of Zion

A thousand starry beauties there

202 New Lebanon

A thousand thoughts revolve

29t Fairfield

94 Never Part

A throne of grace, oh, at that throne

466 Haynes Creek

A throne of grace, then let us go

466 Haynes Creek

A triumphant Conqueror

355 Anthem on the Savior

A troubled heart that cannot rest

535 Shawmut

A type of everlasting rest

283 Sabbath Morning

A voice as of angels enchantingly sung

358 Murillo’s Lesson

Adored a chast’ning God

379 Span of Life

Adorned a great apostle.

207 Louisiana

Ah, they are of a royal line

229 Irwinton

All children of a King

229 Irwinton

All raise a new shout as we come

338 Sawyer’s Exit

I’m a long time trav’ling away from home

288 White

I’m a long time trav’ling here below

288 White

I’m a poor, mourning Pilgrim

417 Weeping Pilgrim

Am I a soldier of the cross

57 Christian Soldier

309 Living Lamb

325 Soldier of the Cross

513 Joyful

I’m but a sojourner below

86 Poland

I’m going to a better land

454 The Better Land

An empty tale, a morning flow’r

50t Mortality

181 Exit

And a father’s loving voice you’ll hear

494 Big Creek

And a wretched, wand’ring mind.

141 Complainer

And at night on a stone for a pillow he lay

551 Jacob’s Vision

And bids them leave a world of woe

541 Home of the Blest

And bound with a leathern girdle

232 Baptismal Anthem

And burst into a song

178 Africa

And cast a wishful eye

51 My Home

65 Sweet Prospect

128 The Promised Land

378t Heavenly Port

439 Jordan

442 New Jordan

And every voice a song.

441 Raymond

And face a frowning world.

36b Ninety-Fifth

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

293 Akers

423 Grantville

And feed me with a shepherd’s care

402 Protection

And form a sacred song

411 Morning Prayer

And guard me with a watchful eye

402 Protection

And hath raised up a ladder of mercy for me.

551 Jacob’s Vision

And heaven is a home

319 Religion Is a Fortune

And I heard a mighty angel

250 Heavenly Vision

And I will tell you a story

355 Anthem on the Savior

And if a soul should e’er be lost

337 Mercy’s Free

And is now exalted a Prince and a Savior

355 Anthem on the Savior

And kindles with a pure desire.

280 Westford

And live as does a Christian

115 Edmonds

And not a single soul escape

501 O’Leary

And not a wave of trouble roll

36b Ninety-Fifth

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

293 Akers

392 Manchester

And pity a ruined lost race

104 The Lovely Story

And rescue from a drunkard’s grave

334 O Come Away

And shed a joyful tear

67 Columbus

And sing a parting song

521 Parting Friends

And starve in a foreign land

113 The Prodigal Son

And take a heav’nly place.

420 Bishop

And there’s a cross for me.

349 A Cross for Me

And wander a pilgrim, despised below.

125 Expression

And was cradled in a manger.

355 Anthem on the Savior

And with a sigh move slowly on

404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone

522 Ye Heedless Ones

And wove with the branches a roof o’er my head

100 The Bower of Prayer

Appeasing the wrath of a God

104 The Lovely Story

Appoint my soul a place.

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

As down a lone valley with cedars o’erspread

358 Murillo’s Lesson

As for a brother dead!

296 Sardinia

Awake, my soul, and bear a part

123b Cross of Christ

197 Georgia

330t Horton

Before a bride was formed

115 Edmonds

Before a bride was made.

115 Edmonds

Beneath a burning sky

189 Montgomery

Blessings to cheer a pilgrim’s days

340 Odem

But now a sad reverse we see

89 The Church’s Desolation

But now I am a soldier

82t Bound For Canaan

85 The Morning Trumpet

410b Mutual Love

But now I have a deeper stroke

67 Columbus

But soon I found ’twas all a dream

227 Ode on Life’s Journey

But there’s a land of peace and rest

465 Where There’s No Trouble and Sorrow

But wisdom shows a narrow path

38b Windham

By faith we know a world above

206 Christian’s Hope

Can I say a last farewell?

385b Can I Leave You?

Can make a feast of union

207 Louisiana

Can make a heav’nly place

147t Boylston

Can move a lofty mountain.

207 Louisiana

Christ shall come a second time

117 Babylon Is Fallen

Come, hear the counsel of a friend.

204 Mission

Come, shed abroad a Savior’s love

371 Heavenly Dove

Come, soldiers, a tear and a toast to their mem’ry

346 The American Star

Convinced as a sinner, to Jesus I come

496 The Rock That is Higher Than I

Crying with a loud voice:

250 Heavenly Vision

Crying with a loud voice, saying

572 The Lamb of God

Death like a narrow sea divides

289 Greensborough

303 Heavenly Land

392 Manchester

446 Infinite Day

Death, ’tis a melancholy day

29b Tribulation

419 Melancholy Day

Each sin demands a tear

33t Weeping Savior

Eight human souls, a little crew

506 The Ark

Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.

217 Ballstown

Faith like a little mustard seed

207 Louisiana

Firm as a rock the soul shall rest

474 Mount Desert

Fly like a youthful hart or roe

327 Invitation

For a glory and a cov’ring

148 Jefferson

For a little season

448b The Grieved Soul

For guilt, a heavy chain

29b Tribulation

419 Melancholy Day

For just a little while

499 At Rest

For me a table Thou hast spread

558 Living Streams

For such a worm as I?

290 Victoria

310 Weeping Savior

375 Love the Lord

For there’s a crown for me.

349 A Cross for Me

For unto us a Savior’s born:

412 New Hosanna

Give me a calm, a thankful heart

475 A Thankful Heart

Give me, Oh Lord, a place

540 Nidrah

God moves in a mysterious way

478 My Rising Sun

Grace! ’Tis a charming sound

31t Ninety-Third Psalm

Grace, ’tis a most delightful theme

432 Cheves

Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain!

335 Return Again

Had I the pinions of a dove

61 Sweet Rivers

Hark! what sweet music, what a song

412 New Hosanna

Has waited for a cure.

34t The Gospel Pool

Hath like a mountain rose

29t Fairfield

I’ve a Father on the road

294 Rocky Road

I’ve a long time heard that the earth will be burning

567 The Great Day

I’ve a long time heard that the sun will be darkened

567 The Great Day

I’ve a long time heard that there will be a judgment

567 The Great Day

I’ve learned to sing a glad, new song

530 A Glad New Song

He arose, and ascended in a cloud.

408 Weeping Mary

He found he’d lost a bone.

115 Edmonds

He gave our souls a living hope

500 Living Hope

He justly claims a song from me

275t Loving Kindness

He poured salvation on a wretch

44 The Converted Thief

He said, “I’ll be a God to you,”

67 Columbus

He seems a mighty conqu’ror

101b Holy City

He went up into a mount

507 Sermon on the Mount

His house a seat of wealth shall be

486 Beneficence

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord

72b Bellevue

I, a poor child, and thou, so high.

168 Cowper

I am a great complainer

141 Complainer

I am a poor, wayfaring stranger

457 Wayfaring Stranger

I am a stranger here below

317 Jackson

I beheld, and lo a great multitude

250 Heavenly Vision

I find myself placed in a state of probation

179 The Christian Warfare

I have a crown in view.

330t Horton

426t Kelley

I heard a great voice from heav’n

320 Funeral Anthem

I know there is a paradise

426t Kelley

I saw a river rise

569b Sacred Throne

I see a world of spirits bright

383 Eternal Day

I seek a place in heav’n.

77t The Child of Grace

I spied him where a fountain burst

164 Duane Street

I wait a visit, Lord, from Thee.

280 Westford

I want a Godly fear

455 Soar Away

I want a seat in Paradise

324 North Port

I want a sober mind

455 Soar Away

I want to live a Christian here

406 New Harmony

I want to wear a crown of glory

457 Wayfaring Stranger

I’ll ask a servant’s place.

113 The Prodigal Son

I’ll need no more shed a tear.

55 Sister’s Farewell

If angels sung a Savior’s birth

273 Milford

If such a life of joy can crown

493 Amanda Ray

In a believer’s ear!

68b Ortonville

In a land beyond the sky

560 My Home

Into a full communion.

207 Louisiana

Into a world unknown?

47b Idumea

428 World Unknown

Is a land of perfect day.

545 The Pilgrim’s Way

Is but esteemed almost a saint

38b Windham

Is He a God, and shall His grace

178 Africa

Is there here a trembling jailer

59 Holy Manna

Is there here a weeping Mary

59 Holy Manna

Is this vile world a friend to grace

57 Christian Soldier

309 Living Lamb

513 Joyful

It’s a mighty rocky road

294 Rocky Road

It tells me in a small still voice

471 The Savior’s Name

Jesus can make a dying bed

30b Prospect

380 Lawrenceburg

444 All Saints New

Jesus, grant us all a blessing

80t Shouting Song

323t Mullins

Jesus sought me when a stranger

135 Olney

Join in a song with sweet accord

31b Webster

52t Albion

481 Novakoski

Keep no longer at a distance

335 Return Again

Kept by a Father’s hand, love cannot die

354b Happy Land

Kindle a flame of sacred love

371 Heavenly Dove

Leading to a brighter day

491 Oh, What Love

Let a repenting rebel live:

73t Cusseta

Let cares, like a wild deluge, come

43 Primrose Hill

114 Saint’s Delight

Let evening blush to own a star

32t Corinth

Let every heart prepare a throne

441 Raymond

Let me a sharer be.”

44 The Converted Thief

Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter

145t Warrenton

333 Family Circle

Like thoughts of absenting myself for a day

100 The Bower of Prayer

Lo, what a glorious sight appears

299 New Jerusalem

Long for a cooling stream at hand

189 Montgomery

Lord, if a distant glimpse of Thee

316 New Hope

Lord, shed a beam of heav’nly day

93 Frozen Heart

Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I

183 Greenwich

193 Huntington

Loving Jesus, Thou hast bought a ransom!

361 Loving Jesus

Many a shining hour is gone

108b The Traveler

May not a sinner trust in Thee?

73t Cusseta

May our justified souls find a welcome in heav’n.

149 The Trumpet

My friends, I am going a long and tedious journey

260 Farewell Anthem

My grief a burden long has been

53 Jerusalem

My lifted eye, without a tear

143 Pleyel’s Hymn

My rapture seemed a pleasing dream

297 Conversion

My soul a witness is

64 Nashville

No more to sigh or shed a tear

134 The Christian’s Hope

368 Stony Point

No, not a drop of Thy real joy

503 Lloyd

No, there’s a cross for ev’ryone

349 A Cross for Me

Nor hope lends a ray the poor seaman to cherish

224 Save, Lord, or We Perish

Of a soul in its earliest love.

399b Happy Christian

Oh for a breeze of heav’nly love

101t Canaan’s Land

Oh for a closer walk with God

27 Bethel

Oh, for a heart submissive, meek

328 Praise God

Oh, for a heart to praise my God

328 Praise God

422 Burdette

Oh for a shout of sacred joy

228 Marlborough

Oh for a thousand tongues to sing

88b Mount Zion

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

Oh, for the pinions of a dove

71 Leander

Oh, once I had a glorious view

67 Columbus

Oh, then, who would not climb such a ladder as this?

551 Jacob’s Vision

Oh, to grace how great a debtor

145t Warrenton

333 Family Circle

Oh, what a blessed hope is ours

77t The Child of Grace

Oh, what a happy time

343 Happy Home

Oh, why should I wander a stranger from Thee

571 Penitence

Oh, you must be a lover of the Lord

124 Lover of the Lord

On earth I have a mansion, too

174 Petersburg

Or like a shooting star.

348b Fleeting Days

Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

447 Wondrous Cross

Partake a little morsel.

207 Louisiana

Pilgrims in a barren land

510 Corley

Plant you a rose that shall bloom o’er my grave

339 When I Am Gone

Poor mourners found a home at last.

401 Cuba

Pouring forth a flood of tears?

59 Holy Manna

Prepare a tuneful voice

386 Christ Our Song

Reflect, thou hast a soul to save

321 Newnan

Religion is a fortune

319 Religion Is a Fortune

Ruling with a rod of iron

117 Babylon Is Fallen

Saints shall share a glorious home

354b Happy Land

See what a living stone

78 Stafford

Send a blessing, send a blessing just now.

369 Send A Blessing

Serve with a single heart and eye

448t Consecration

Shall such a worthless worm as I

96 Few Happy Matches

Shed not a tear o’er your friend’s early bier

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

Shedding tears, a plenteous flood

451 Mary’s Grief and Joy

Shone without a rival

495 The Midnight Cry

Sing a sweet song such as angels may have

339 When I Am Gone

So a soul that’s born of God

84 Amsterdam

Sweeps us away; our life’s a dream

50t Mortality

181 Exit

That saved a wretch like me!

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

That there will be a judgment in that day.

567 The Great Day

That were a present far too small

447 Wondrous Cross

The prayers of our father, a sweet invocation

165 Family Bible

The spangled heav’ns, a shining frame

468 Bristol

The spices yield a rich perfume

284 Garden Hymn

The Spirit like a little dove

207 Louisiana

The vain and the young may attend us a while

136 Morality

Thee a God supremely kind

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

Then in a moment to my view

164 Duane Street

Then in a nobler, sweeter song

397 The Fountain

Then shall I share a glorious part

48t Devotion

Then, since we have a Savior dear

98 Dull Care

There he saw in a vision a ladder so high

551 Jacob’s Vision

There is a calm, a sure retreat

470 The Mercy Seat

There is a fountain filled with blood

397 The Fountain

There is a happy land, far, far away

354b Happy Land

There is a holy city, a happy world above

101b Holy City

There is a house not made with hands

218 Mount Pleasant

418 Reese

453 Holly Springs

There is a land of pure delight

66 Jordan

289 Greensborough

303 Heavenly Land

392 Manchester

446 Infinite Day

There is a life above

499 At Rest

There is a name I love to hear

471 The Savior’s Name

There is a place where Jesus sheds

470 The Mercy Seat

There is a place where my hopes are stayed

449 Fatherland

There is a scene where spirits blend

470 The Mercy Seat

There’s not a cloud that doth arise

122 All Is Well

There was a man sent from God

553 Anthem on the Beginning

This world’s a wilderness of woe

390 New Prospect

Thou art a God before whose sight

173 Phoebus

Thou didst once a wretch behold

74b King of Peace

Thou preparest a table before me

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

Through free grace and a dying Lamb

401 Cuba

Thy life has been brief as a midsummer day

231 Thou Art Passing Away

Till a blessing Thou bestow.

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

74b King of Peace

Till a wise care of piety

50t Mortality

181 Exit

Till I a better world can view.

185 Pilgrim’s Farewell

208 Traveling On

’Tis here I find a safe retreat

393 Alexander

To have a loving bride.

115 Edmonds

To make a sinner whole.

34t The Gospel Pool

To meet a traitor’s doom at morn

164 Duane Street

To see a heav’nly day.

47t Primrose

To that bright home, what a joy is giv’n

41 Home in Heaven

To wear a starry crown.

153 Resurrected

To you this day is born a Prince and Savior

223 Portuguese Hymn

’Twas a heaven below

399b Happy Christian

Was a contented mind

98 Dull Care

We are told there is a home

560 My Home

We must be parted for a while

62 Parting Hand

We shall all receive a blessing

144 Jubilee

Wearing there a weight of glory

145b Sweet Affliction

What a dear Savior I have found

53 Jerusalem

What a haven in Jesus’ sweet name.

399b Happy Christian

When in a low whisper I heard something say

341 The Lone Pilgrim

While bless’d with a sense of His love

127 Green Fields

Who saved me from a burning hell

484 Heavenly Union

Who such a strict account must give

445 Passing Away

Will He forever wear a frown

462 Faith and Hope

Will starve a hungry mind.

180 Vermont

With here and there a traveler.

38b Windham

Without a trace behind her?

89 The Church’s Desolation

Yes, with a cheerful zeal

150 Amity

Yet a season, and you know

131b Invocation

Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord

73t Cusseta

Yet the question gives a plea

74b King of Peace

Your Father will a kingdom give

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

Your friendship’s like a drawing band

62 Parting Hand