Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church

Ashland, Alabama

July 4, 1997

Eugene Forbes called the class to order leading songs on pages 59 and 75. The morning prayer was offered by Elder C. V. Estes.

The class organized for the day by electing or appointing the following officers: Chairman—Eugene Forbes; Secretary—Jenny Gurley; Arranging Committee—Edna Ruth Phillips.

Eugene Forbes led song on page 63. Leaders: Elder C. V. Estes 490, 40; Myrline Redmon 108t (for her sister, Mavis Dale), 569b; Jathan Futral 143, 98; Jenny Gurley “Great Roll Call”, 340; Thomas Gutral 147t, 489; Nell Estes 438, 84; April Futral 491, 196; Nelda Henry 39b, 112; Audress Gurley and Brandon “Jesus Loves Me”, 36b; Vernelle Amason 189.


The class was called to order by Eugene Forbes leading song on page 27 in memory of Pauline White. Leaders: Sonya Berry 373 (for her mother), 288 (for Uncle M. B. Forbes); Wayne Morgan 235, 285t; Pam Anderson 480, 164; M. B. Forbes 164, 59 (on his harmonica); Lois Stanson 99, 171; Eugene Forbes 566, 87; Edna Ruth Phillips 523, 318; Lora Kelly 146, 378t (for the Wallace family); Eugene Forbes 323b.


Eugene Forbes called the class together leading “My Country ‘Tis Of Thee” and song on page 100. Leaders: Elder C. V. Estes 137; Jenny Gurley 212; Thomas Futral 77t; Nell Estes 145b; Sonya Berry 45t; Myrline Redmon 335; Lois Stanson 212, 204; Wayne Morgan 49b, 30b; Lora Kelly 208; Jenny Gurley 340 (by request); Vernelle Amason 143 (for Gib), 100; Audress Gurley “Not Made With Hands”; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Morgan 10 (in little book); Eugene Forbes 300, 32t (for Kim Cagle); Edna Ruth Phillips 213b, 358; M. B. Forbes “Wildwood Flower”, 452, “Silent Night” (all on his harmonica); Eugene Forbes 186 (for Elder R. H. Avery); Jenny Gurley 490, 569 (t? b?), 491 (all by request). Eugene Forbes led song on page 148 as the closing song. Elder C. V. Estes dismissed the class with prayer. We would like to thank the class for a contribution of $48.00 as minute money.

Chairman—Eugene Forbes; Secretary—Jenny Gurley.