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The Connexion and Jeremiah Ingalls Singing

First Congregational Church Vestry Hall, Newbury, Vermont

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tom Malone welcomed singers to the 5th annual Connexion and Jeremiah Ingalls Singing in Newbury, Vermont. The singing was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, and Jeremiah Ingallss 1805 edition of The Christian Harmony (ICH).

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairpersons--Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary--Jennie Brown.

Tom Malone opened the singing by leading [435]. Liz Cantrell offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Joanna Lampert [32t]; Jennie Brown [72b]; Bill Holt [47t]; Rick Johnston [39t]; Elka Schumann [164]; Nathan Zwieg [31b]; Chris Noren [40]; Justin Levi [314]; Liz Cantrell [318]; Peter Golden [86]; Ines Lüttgen [460]; Rachel Stevens [148]; George Sigut [178]; Linda Shea [157]; Allison Schofield [74b]; Dan Hertzler [67]; Don Towle [299]; L.H. Spencer [95]; Sue Hengelsberg [504]; Deanna Anderson [31t]; Lauren Bock [48b]; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg [138t].


The class was called back together by Tom Malone leading 2 (ICH). Leaders: Peter Golden 53 (ICH); Don Towle 46 (ICH); Ines Lüttgen 186 (ICH); Joanna Lampert 32 (ICH); Chris Noren 124 (ICH); Allison Schofield 50 (ICH); Justin Levi 25 (ICH); Nathan Zwieg 243 (ICH); Elka Schumann 44 (ICH); Dan Hertzler 35 (ICH); Lauren Bock 143 (ICH); Bill Holt 5 (ICH); Jennie Brown 59 (ICH); Rick Johnston 60 (ICH); Terry Ryan 43 (ICH); L.H. Spencer 92 (ICH); Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 215 (ICH).

Tom Malone conducted the memorial lesson and invited Joanna Lampert to join him in leading 115 (ICH) for the following sick and homebound: Victoria Bolles, Joanne Bowman, Ariel Gernes, Suman Kandlikar, Harriette Pearlman, Myles Schofield, and Ruth Young.

Laura Timmerman and Tom Malone led 208 (ICH) for the following deceased: Fenno Heath--Connecticut; Carol Ware--Massachusetts; Richard Altman, Stefan Brecht, Bob Guida, Louis Ryan--New York; Mae-Ann Stevens--New Hampshire; George Young, Mike Peters--Vermont; Katya Durseneva--Latvia; Svetlana Sevaskul--Russia. Liz Cantrell closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Chris Noren 207 (ICH); Ines Lüttgen 221 (ICH); Don Towle 65 (ICH). Don Towle offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Tom Malone brought the afternoon session to order leading 180 (ICH). Leaders: Irene Lawrence [29t]; Laura Timmerman [192]; Laura Krueger [168]; George Sigut [480]; Rachel Stevens [268]; Deanna Anderson [209]; Sue Hengelsberg [294]; Liz Cantrell [283]; Linda Shea [371]; Bill Holt [454]; Lauren Bock 179 (ICH); Justin Levi 190 (ICH); Nathan Zwieg 193 (ICH); Allison Schofield 15 (ICH); Jennie Brown 175 (ICH); Peter Golden 48 (ICH); Terry Ryan 114 (ICH); Joanna Lampert 105 (ICH); Dan Hertzler 185 (ICH); Rick Johnston 55 (ICH); Elka Schumann [198].


Tom Malone led 236 (ICH) to call the class back together. Leaders: Tom Malone 238 (ICH); Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 188 (ICH); L.H. Spencer 117 (ICH); Chris Noren [217]; Don Towle 47 (ICH); Laura Timmerman 149 (ICH); Ines Lüttgen 173 (ICH); Laura Krueger [162]; Irene Lawrence [312b]; Deanna Anderson [203]; Linda Shea [430]; George Sigut [87]; Rachel Stevens [146]; Terry Ryan [344]; Liz Cantrell [313t]; Sue Hengelsberg [175]; Tom Malone 61 (ICH), 108 (ICH).

Jennie Brown opened the business meeting by reporting that 86 songs had been led by 26 leaders, that 49 singers from 10 states and 2 foreign countries had registered, and that expenses had been met. Tom Malone thanked the class for their generosity, and individually thanked singers in attendance for their support of the Ingalls singing throughout the years. Finally, a motion was put forward to nominate Ben Bath chairman of the 6th annual Connexion and Ingalls Singing, to be held in July 2010. The business meeting was closed.

Tom Malone led 57 (ICH) as the closing song. Don Towle offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairpersons--Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary--Jennie Brown