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The “Connexion” and Jeremiah Ingalls Singing

First Congregational Church Vestry Hall, Newbury, Vermont

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tom Malone opened the 4th annual “Connexion” and Jeremiah Ingalls Singing in Newbury, Vermont, at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 19, 2008.

The singing was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition and the Ingalls’ 1805 edition of The Christian Harmony.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairpersons—Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary—Jennie Brown.

Tom Malone called the class to order leading 2 (CH). The opening prayer was offered by Don Towle.

Leaders: Bill Holt 78 (CH); Joanne Fuller 65; Ian Smiley 13 (CH); Jennie Brown 71 (CH); Don Towle 243 (CH); Elka Schumann 221 (CH); Ishmael Stefanon-Wagner 121 (CH); Peter Golden 8 (CH); Becky Wright 25 (CH); Terry Ryan 11 (CH); Joanna Lampert 32 (CH); Susan Jaster 12 (CH); Justin Squizzero 175 (CH); Nicola Collett 15 (CH); Robert Dove 120 (CH); Laura Noble 113 (CH); Andy LaBrun 220 (CH).


The class was called back together by Tom Malone leading 177 (CH). Leaders: Rosalie Elkinton 299; Leonard Spencer 92 (CH); Katherine Collett 50 (CH); Paul Gauthier 185 (CH); Joanna Lampert 335; Chris Holley 160b; Brian Collett 183 (CH); Nellie Farrington 105 (CH); John Ostwald 241 (CH); Tom Malone 181 (CH); Don Towle 53 (CH).

Joanne Fuller conducted the memorial lesson and led 475 for the following deceased: LaRue Allen and Amanda Denson Brady—Alabama; Jean Olsen—California; Reby Stanford—Georgia; Rita Higgins, Wendy Metzler, and Bonnie J. Rodgers—Massachusetts; John Elliott and Beth Housekeeper—Vermont; Fannie Altea—Phillipines; Sunshine Rodríguez-Bloch—Switzerland.

Pam Regan led 503 for the following sick and shut-ins: Jodi Beldotti, Mary Duffy, Cathy Ferree, Linda Fuller, Robert Hall, Steve Hoyt, John Pratt, Marjorie Ryerson, Anne Sidney, Curtis Smith, Jim Stanicki, Lindsay Steele, and Joyce Walton. Don Towle closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Elka Schumann 62 (CH); Terry Ryan 344; Ishmael Stefanon-Wagner 201 (CH). Don Towle offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Tom Malone called the afternoon session to order leading 234 (CH). Leaders: Jennie Brown 227 (CH); Paul Gauthier 436; Becky Wright 107; Joanne Fuller 111b; Andy LaBrun 208 (CH); Nicola Collett 127 (CH); Bill Holt 5 (CH); Susan Jaster 125 (CH); Peter Golden 84 (CH); Rosalie Elkinton 230; Ian Smiley 124; Laura Noble 163b; Justin Squizzero 59 (CH); Don Towle 67 (CH); Robert Dove 287; Leonard Spencer 117 (CH) (in memory of Minja Lausevic); Joanna Lampert 166 (CH); Chris Holley 277; Katherine Collett 300; John Ostwald 143 (CH).


The class was called back to order by Tom Malone leading 35 (CH). Leaders: Debbie Moody 306; Nellie Farrington 75 (CH); Brian Collett 91 (CH); Jennie Brown 145t.

David Klocko was recognized by the class for his contributions to the study of Ingalls’ music, then he and Tom Malone led the class in singing 81 (CH), 61 (CH), and 94 (CH).

Leaders: Andy LaBrun 567; Ian Smiley 46 (CH); Justin Squizzero 36 (CH); Elka Schumann “Wake Ev’ry Breath” by William Billings; Don Towle 114 (CH); Susan Jaster 102 (CH); Peter Golden 148 (CH); Bill Holt 39 (CH); Debbie Moody 44 (CH); Ishmael Stefanon-Wagner 65 (CH); Nicola Collett 31 (CH); Robert Dove 547.

A business meeting was held to hear committee reports. The Finance Committee reported that expenses had been met. The Secretary reported that 76 songs had been led by 31 leaders, and that 64 singers from 12 states and two foreign countries had registered. Tom Malone announced that the 5th “Connexion” and Ingalls Singing would take place July 18, 2009. The business meeting was closed.

Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert led 57 (CH) as the closing song. Don Towle offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairpersons—Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary—Jennie Brown