Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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The Connexion and Jeremiah Ingalls Singing

Old Village Church, Newbury, Vermont

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert welcomed singers to the 3rd annual Connexion and Jeremiah Ingalls singing in Newbury, Vermont, on the Saturday before the fourth Sunday in July. The singing was from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, and the four-shape edition of Ingallss 1805 tune book The Christian Harmony.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-chairpersons--Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary--Jennie Brown.

The first session was held from The Sacred Harp, 1991 edition. Tom Malone called the class to order leading [31t]. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Donald Towle.

Leaders: Ben Bath [59]; Paul Gauthier [34b]; Jennie Brown [87]; Ian Smiley [352]; Kelsey Sunderland [89]; James Page [351]; Debby Moody [287]; Terry Ryan [29t]; Joanna Lampert [228]; Elka Schuman [315]; Aldo Ceresa [272]; Corlyn Johnson [86]; Dan Hertzler [556]; L.H. Spencer [362]; Greg Mulkern [112]; Tom Malone [550].

The second morning session was held from the 2005 four-shape edition of The Christian Harmony by Jeremiah Ingalls (ICH). Leaders: Joanna Lampert 2; Ian Smiley [119]; James Page {108}; Nelly Farrington [78]; Ben Bath [175]; Paul Gauthier [106]; Don Towle [46]; Debby Moody [120]; Aldo Ceresa [127]; L.H. Spencer [117]; Greg Mulkern [61]; Robert Dove [177].

Aldo Ceresa conducted the memorial lesson and led [229] in memory of the following deceased: Flarce Creel--Alabama; Pat MacDowell, Marcia Tucker--New York; Minja Lausevic, Harold Madison Jr., Lynn Dalfours--Massachusetts; Carolyn Jones and Kate Brinton--Vermont.

Pam Regan led 32 (ICH) for the following sick and shut-ins: Lindsay Steel, Raymond Hamrick, Kelly Day, Bob Meek, Rita Higgins, Jennifer Lampert, Lesley Williams, Julie Williams, Susan Goss, Bob Scorgie, Pete Anderson, Joyce Anderson, and Dick Dunagan. The memorial was closed with prayer offered by Tom Malone.

Singing resumed with Nathan Zweig who led 114 (ICH). Leaders: John Ostwald 99 (ICH); Elka Schuman 60 (ICH); Neely Bruce 35 (ICH); Joanna Lampert 5 (ICH); Don Towle 105 (ICH); Ian Smiley 179 (ICH); James Page 185 (ICH); Nelly Farrington 36 (ICH); Ben Bath 25 (ICH); Tom Malone 19 (ICH).


The afternoon session was called to order by Aldo Ceresa leading [106]. Leaders: Debby Moody 92 (ICH); Terry Ryan 43 (ICH); L.H. Spencer 111 (ICH) Leigh Tintle [217]; Nathan Zweig [40]; Paul Gauthier [426b]; John Ostwald [260]; Elka Schuman 221 (ICH); Greg Mulkern 166 (ICH); Anne Johnston [294]; Neely Bruce 7 (ICH); Chris Holley [277]; Joanna Lampert [56b]; Dan Hertzler 77 (ICH); Robert Dove 474 (ICH); Don Towle 153 (ICH); Ian Smiley 97 (ICH); Kelsey Sunderland [203]; James Page 52 (ICH); Nelly Farrington 75 (ICH); Jennie Brown [383].


Ben Bath called the class to order leading [74b]. Leaders: Aldo Ceresa [142]; Joanna Lampert [192]; Terry Ryan [299]; Debby Moody [156]; John Ostwald 241 (ICH); Elka Schumann [479]; Leigh Tintle 31 (ICH); Anne Johnston 42 (ICH); Greg Mulkern [424]; Nellie Farrington 95 (ICH); Chris Holley [268]; Dan Hertzler 48 (ICH); Kelsey Sunderland [99]; Robert Dove [503]; Jennie Brown [384]; James Page 143 (ICH); Donald Towle 47 (ICH); Paul Gauthier [542]; L.H. Spencer [254]; Ian Smiley 44 (ICH); Tom Malone [348b].

Joanna Lampert led 57 (ICH) as the closing song. Rev. Don Towle offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-chairpersons--Tom Malone and Joanna Lampert; Secretary--Jennie Brown