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Connexion and Jeremiah Ingalls<br />Bicentennial Singing

Newbury, Vermont

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Chairman Tom Malone welcomed singers to the Bicentennial celebration of Jeremiah Ingalls 1805 fasola tune book, The Christian Harmony. This singing will be held from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, as well as a new four-shape edition of Ingallss book edited for this event.

The first session was held from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Chairman Tom Malone called the class to order leading [31t]. Leaders: Aldo Ceresa [39t]; Paul Gauthier [34t]; Corrone Bryant [287]; Dan Hertzler [171]; Robert Dove [66]; Ian Smiley [68t]; Debbie Moody [300]; Chris Noren [217]; Joanna Lampert [86]; Ishmael Stefanov [277]; Jim Armstrong [452]; Bob Metz [178]; Susan Miller-Coulter [67]; Rick Johnston [229]; Bill Holt [224]; Ann Kazlauskas [118]; Jenny Wright [147t]; Deirdre Counter [454]; Rebecca Edwards [105]; Lynette Combs [163b]; Neely Bruce [250].

The second morning session was held from a new four-shape edition of The Christian Harmony by Jeremiah Ingalls (ICH). Leaders: Tom Malone 2; Matthew Wojcik [106]; Don Towle 3; Laura Timmerman 15; Sean Mannion {101}; Rania Neocleous [78]; Leonard Spencer [117]; Susan Jaster [120]; Richard Schmeidler [113]; Ishmael Stefanov [177]; Aldo Ceresa [43]; Paul Gauthier [126]; Dan Hertzler {32}; Dennis OBrien [119].

Tom Malone conducted the memorial lesson and led [60] in memory of the following deceased: Mary Stamos and Pauline Morganson -- Connecticut; Mr. Morecki -- Massachusetts; Betty McLellan -- New Hampshire; Roxanna Mennella -- New York; Corey McFadden and Laurette Elizabeth Wojcik -- Vermont.

Joanna Lampert led [67] for the sick and shut-ins, which included Scott McPherson, Gene Reid, Nancy Reid, and Judi Von Dolan -- Massachusetts; Leslie Shelby and Leslie Williams -- New York; Heidi Willis and Susan Weaver -- Vermont; Sally Hintz and Tom Kennedy -- Washington. The memorial was closed.

Leaders: Robert Dove 7; Ian Smiley [40].


Tom Malone brought the class back to order for the afternoon session leading 5 (ICH). The class agreed to lead tunes from both books for the duration of the afternoon singing. Leaders: Terry Ryan [84]; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg [189]; Dennis OBrien [304]; Ann Johnston [284]; Lyra OBrien [538], Nym Cooke 63 (ICH); Corrone Bryant [515]; Debbie Moody 46 (ICH); Rebecca Edwards [440]; Jim Armstrong 8 (ICH); Rick Johnston 59 (ICH); Chris Noren 207 (ICH); Bob Metz [479]; Susan Miller-Coulter [410t]; Jenny Wright [504]; Joanna Lampert 45 (ICH); Neely Bruce 209 (ICH); Bill Holt 151 (ICH), Deirdre Counter [38b].


Tom Malone called the class to order with 128 (ICH). Leaders: Anne Kazlauskas 198 (ICH); Matthew Wojcik 92 (ICH); Laura Timmerman 318 (ICH); Rania Neocleous 9 (ICH); Leonard Spencer 185 (ICH); Sean Mannion 83 (ICH); Lynette Combs 61 (ICH); Susan Jaster 201 (ICH); Donald Towle 139 (ICH); Laura McCarty 143 (ICH); Richard Schmeidler 173 (ICH); Terry Ryan [312b]; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 218 (ICH); Anne Johnston [385t]; Lyra OBrien 114 (ICH); Robert Dove [566]; Ian Smiley 81 (ICH); Aldo Ceresa 221 (ICH).

Tom Malone led 57 (ICH) as the closing song. Rev. Don Towle offered a closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman - Tom Malone; Vice Chairman - Don Towle; Secretary - Joanna Lampert.