Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

word 48 occurrences, 40 verses, 43 songs

I’m trusting in His Holy Word

206 Christian’s Hope

And disbelieve God’s holy word

102 Fulfillment

And ev’ry word I say?

445 Passing Away

And guides them safely by His word

99 Gospel Trumpet

And I believed His word.

67 Columbus

And knowledge of Thy word.

278t Love Shall Never Die

And the doom of eternity hangs on His word.

149 The Trumpet

And the Word was God

553 Anthem on the Beginning

And the Word was with God

553 Anthem on the Beginning

And whosoever will believe on Jesus’ word

426b Jasper

But we believe His gracious Word

185 Pilgrim’s Farewell

Come sinners, and observe the word

365 Southwell

Eternal truth attends Thy word

192 Schenectady

377 Eternal Praise

He formed us by His word.

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

He sends His Spirit with His word

225t Reynolds

He sends His word, and melts the snow

38t Winter

He whose word can ne’er be broken

148 Jefferson

His word my hope secures

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

His Word will guide you here below

399t The Dying Friend

I read my duty in Thy Word

515 Federal Street

If I but trust His holy word

490 My Shepherd Guides

In Jesus’ word go on

284 Garden Hymn

In the beginning was the Word

553 Anthem on the Beginning

Is laid for your faith in His excellent word

72b Bellevue

Maintain the honor of His word

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Of Jesus and His word?

27 Bethel

“Others by Thy Word are saved

52b Charlestown

458 Friendship

Praise Him by whose almighty word

394 The Messiah’s Praise

Remember the pure word of grace

58 Pisgah

Send some message from Thy word

70t Gainsville

Supported by Thy word.

57 Christian Soldier

513 Joyful

The Word is everlasting truth

517 Mars Hill

Then shall our hearts obey Thy word

354t Lebanon

Thrust in our sickles at Thy word

573 Harpeth Valley

Thy word into our minds instill

173 Phoebus

Thy Word the choicest rule imparts

517 Mars Hill

Where prophet’s word and martyr’s blood

573 Harpeth Valley

While we try to preach the Word?

59 Holy Manna

Who taste the sweetness of His word

64 Nashville

284 Garden Hymn

Whose hope still hov’ring ’round Thy word

73t Cusseta