Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

sound 46 occurrences, 35 verses, 40 songs

Th’affrighted nations hear the sound

131t Messiah

Amazing grace! how sweet the sound

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

And rouse up ev’ry tuneful sound

313b Cobb

And shall hear the trumpet sound in the morning?

85 The Morning Trumpet

And soon shall hear the trumpet sound

94 Never Part

And sound His name abroad.

182 Newburgh

And the sound thou didst hear was the seraphim’s song.

158 Funeral Thought

Come, sound His praise abroad

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

311 Silver Street

Conspire to raise the sound.

47t Primrose

Grace! ’Tis a charming sound

31t Ninety-Third Psalm

Hark, from the gospel’s cheering sound

501 O’Leary

Hark! from the tombs of doleful sound

162 Plenary

Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comes

441 Raymond

If I can reach the charming sound

126 Babel’s Streams

Like David’s harp of solemn sound.

48t Devotion

435 Sacred Rest

556 Portland

Long have I sat beneath the sound

278t Love Shall Never Die

My tongue shall sound Thy works abroad

187 Protection

Oh, could I sound the glories forth

396 Notes Almost Divine

Salvation! O the joyful sound

47t Primrose

Say, is her keel sound, her garner well stored?

388 The Happy Sailor

Sound forth Immanuel’s praise.

138b Ogletree

Sound His praise through ev’ry nation

322 Man’s Redemption

Swell the sound, ye kings and nobles

117 Babylon Is Fallen

The gladly solemn sound

40 Lenox

The trump of God shall sound, rejoice!

473 Carmarthen

There’s nothing so sweet as the sound of His name

360 The Royal Band

They tune their harps to softly sound

152 Shepherds Rejoice

Thy grace, how sweet the sound to me

393 Alexander

Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore

192 Schenectady

377 Eternal Praise

Till Gabriel’s trump shall sound

72t The Weary Soul

To hear the trumpet sound

373 Homeward Bound

Waked by the trumpet sound

47b Idumea

428 World Unknown

What solemn sound the ear invades

110 Mount Vernon

When I hear the trumpet sound in the morning.

85 The Morning Trumpet

Which is yet to sound.

250 Heavenly Vision