Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

sin 49 occurrences, 41 verses, 45 songs

A heart from sin set free

328 Praise God

422 Burdette

And guard their lives from sin?

517 Mars Hill

And warned them of their sin

67 Columbus

As soon as the churches are redeemed from sin

130 Millennium

Be dead to ev’ry sin

39b Sharpsburg

Because I was not saved from sin.

53 Jerusalem

Bleeding hearts defiled by sin

497 Natick

Buried in sorrow and in sin

47t Primrose

But when depressed and lost in sin

484 Heavenly Union

Cleanse us all from ev’ry sin.

80t Shouting Song

323t Mullins

Come out and be separate from sinners and sin.

130 Millennium

Each sin demands a tear

33t Weeping Savior

Farewell to sin and sorrow

85 The Morning Trumpet

129 Heavenly Armor

From sin and sorrow free

403 Heavenly Rest

From this vain world of sin?

82t Bound For Canaan

85 The Morning Trumpet

319 Religion Is a Fortune

410b Mutual Love

He breaks the pow’r of canceled sin

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

He raised me from the depths of sin

373 Homeward Bound

I am so vile, so prone to sin

317 Jackson

I know the reign of sin’s dark night

438 The Marriage in the Skies

I sigh from this body of sin to be free

161 Sweet Home

I’ll go to Jesus, though my sin

29t Fairfield

In heav’n alone no sin is found

33t Weeping Savior

It makes me strive all sin to shun

337 Mercy’s Free

Nothing but sin have I to give

53 Jerusalem

O’erwhelmed with sorrows for sin I will cry

496 The Rock That is Higher Than I

Preserve me from the snares of sin

205 Pleasant Hill

Sin’s evil ways to shun

330t Horton

Subdues the love of sin

478 My Rising Sun

The hosts of sin are pressing hard

147b Laban

372 Rockport

Thou who didst from sin relieve us

361 Loving Jesus

To save our souls from sin and guilt

99 Gospel Trumpet

To save us rebels dead in sin

296 Sardinia

What have I gained by sin, he said

113 The Prodigal Son

What impious numbers, bold in sin

354t Lebanon

When from sin and sorrow free

354b Happy Land

Where no sin, nor dismay

175 Highlands of Heaven

Where sin and sorrow are no more

87 Sweet Canaan

Who are struggling hard with sin?

59 Holy Manna

Who bore my load of sin

416 The Christian’s Nightly Song

Will keep me safe from sin and strife

490 My Shepherd Guides

You who in sin and folly live

204 Mission