Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

once 22 occurrences, 21 verses, 18 songs

And thy once blooming cheek bears an ominous glow.

231 Thou Art Passing Away

He spake at once, my sins forgiv’n

204 Mission

His footsteps are feeble, once fearless and bold

413 The Loved Ones

I once could mourn o’er dying men

67 Columbus

I once was lost, but now am found

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

I want to sing His praises once again

548 Wootten

Oh, once I had a glorious view

67 Columbus

On Jesus once descended

207 Louisiana

Once I could joy the saints to meet

67 Columbus

Once she was all alive to Thee

89 The Church’s Desolation

Rejoicing they’ll see us as they once have been.

346 The American Star

That I once more may find her?

89 The Church’s Desolation

There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord

149 The Trumpet

Thou didst once a wretch behold

74b King of Peace

Thy blood, dear Jesus, once was spilt

99 Gospel Trumpet

To the Lamb, who once was slain

322 Man’s Redemption

Turn o’er my pillow once again

398 The Dying Boy

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!

27 Bethel

Where once Thy churches prayed and sang

49b Mear

Where once Thy glory stood.

49b Mear

Who did once upon the cross

415 Easter Morn