Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

look 17 occurrences, 17 verses, 15 songs

And you, mine eyes, look down and view

440 North Salem

Arise and look around you.

90 Look Out

As such I look to Thee

58 Pisgah

Dying sinners, look and live.

210 Lena

God of my life, look gently down

86 Poland

Look down from the clouds with bright aspect serene.

346 The American Star

Look how deep your sins have stung Him!

210 Lena

Look to the Shepherd of your souls

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

Look unto me, thy morn shall rise

75 I Would See Jesus

Look up, my soul, with cheerful eyes

511 The Great Redeemer

Look up on high and believe that I’m there

339 When I Am Gone

Look ye sinners, ye that hung Him

210 Lena

No music so charming, no look is so warming

360 The Royal Band

Oh mercy! Oh mercy! look down from above

149 The Trumpet

The fields strive in vain to look gay

127 Green Fields

Where no ungentle look appears

374 Oh, Sing With Me!

With soft’ning pity look

535 Shawmut