Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

kind 12 occurrences, 10 verses, 10 songs

Be kind to thy father, for now he is old

413 The Loved Ones

Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young

413 The Loved Ones

Behold his kind compassion move

296 Sardinia

430 Arbacoochee

But grant me, kind Providence, virtue and health

136 Morality

But thou art kind and true

55 Sister’s Farewell

Dear father, you’ve been kind to me

55 Sister’s Farewell

Is there no kind, no healing art

32b Distress

Oh could I stay with friends so kind

62 Parting Hand

Thee a God supremely kind

50b Humility

70t Gainsville

With kind compassion send me on

437 Sidney