A heart that’s sprinkled with His blood | 328 Praise God |
A manger for His cradle stands | 152 Shepherds Rejoice 306 Oxford |
Against the people of His love | 49b Mear |
“All glory to Jesus, we’ve tasted His love!” | 360 The Royal Band |
All nations with his beams are blest | 242 Ode on Science |
All the music of His name | 139 Elysian |
I’m trusting in His Holy Word | 206 Christian’s Hope |
And all His glory see. | 403 Heavenly Rest |
And all His valiant soldiers | 85 The Morning Trumpet 410b Mutual Love |
And bounteous are his hands. | 113 The Prodigal Son |
And by his men of war? | 101b Holy City |
And double blessings on his head | 296 Sardinia |
And drives away his fears. | 68b Ortonville |
And each fulfill his part | 212 Sharon |
And fasting, mortified his soul | 296 Sardinia |
And for his house provide. | 115 Edmonds |
And God has showered His blessing down | 466 Haynes Creek |
And groaned away His dying life | 214 Repentance |
And guides them safely by His word | 99 Gospel Trumpet |
And His forgiving love | 36t America |
And his fruit was sweet to my taste. | 254 Rose of Sharon |
And his meat was locusts and wild honey. | 232 Baptismal Anthem |
And His shall be the praise. | 225t Reynolds |
And His sweet name I’ll praise | 416 The Christian’s Nightly Song |
And His undying love | 389 Fredericksburg |
And I am His forever | 109 Carnsville |
And I am resolved to regard all His precepts | 179 The Christian Warfare |
And I believed His word. | 67 Columbus |
And I shall see His face. | 396 Notes Almost Divine |
And I’d praise God in His bright abode. | 106 Ecstasy |
And in His arms resign my breath | 170 Exhilaration |
And in His arms resigned to death | 544 Praise Him |
And in His bosom rest? | 378t Heavenly Port |
And let His praise from ev’ry hill | 538 Hampton |
And let the celestial courts His praise repeat | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
And loud proclaim His work | 492 Invocation |
And make His glories known. | 196 Alabama |
And make His grace abound. | 157 Essay |
And makes his own destruction sure. | 38b Windham |
And makes His people one. | 64 Nashville |
And meekly bowed His dying head. | 365 Southwell |
And melts his pious heart. | 296 Sardinia 430 Arbacoochee |
And pensively stood by his tomb. | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
And plants His grace within. | 478 My Rising Sun |
And praise His name on high | 134 The Christian’s Hope 368 Stony Point |
And Praise His saving grace | 560 My Home |
And see His humble throne | 152 Shepherds Rejoice 306 Oxford |
And shall I fear to own His cause | 57 Christian Soldier 309 Living Lamb 325 Soldier of the Cross 513 Joyful |
And sheds His love abroad. | 540 Nidrah |
And solemn oaths have bound His love | 178 Africa |
And sound His name abroad. | 182 Newburgh |
And spreads his glories to the west | 242 Ode on Science |
And sweeter than music His voice | 82b Edgefield 127 Green Fields |
And take His servants up | 473 Carmarthen |
And the doom of eternity hangs on His word. | 149 The Trumpet |
And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom. | 158 Funeral Thought |
And the people with His truth. | 234 Reverential Anthem |
And then I want to sing His praise | 389 Fredericksburg |
And this same John had his raiment of camel’s hair | 232 Baptismal Anthem |
And threw his arms around the neck | 113 The Prodigal Son |
And thus his prayer addressed. | 44 The Converted Thief |
And to the world proclaim His grace. | 511 The Great Redeemer |
And underneath His feet He cast | 291 Majesty |
And where with His flocks He has gone. | 571 Penitence |
And with His blood He washed me clean | 484 Heavenly Union |
And with His children pray and talk | 76b Desire For Piety |
And with His glorious presence here | 77t The Child of Grace |
And wonders of His love. | 560 My Home |
Angel trumps resound His fame | 139 Elysian |
Apollyon, with all his powerful forces | 179 The Christian Warfare |
As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire! | 149 The Trumpet |
As the poor man toils in his weary lot: | 41 Home in Heaven |
At His table we’ll sit down | 59 Holy Manna |
Be calm and sink into His will. | 429 Christian’s Delight |
Be His abounding mercy praised | 500 Living Hope |
Before His Father’s face | 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
Begins his glorious way | 391 Sounding Joy |
Behold his kind compassion move | 296 Sardinia 430 Arbacoochee |
Behold, the Judge descends, His guards are nigh | 151 Symphony |
Bids you His salvation sing. | 108t Weeping Sinners |
But His great love for you I tell | 399t The Dying Friend |
But we believe His gracious Word | 185 Pilgrim’s Farewell |
Cast their crowns before His throne | 139 Elysian |
Christ laid aside His crown | 159 Wondrous Love |
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone | 164 Duane Street |
Come into His courts | 234 Reverential Anthem |
Come, like the people of His choice | 169 Dartmouth |
Come, sound His praise abroad | 34b St. Thomas 169 Dartmouth 311 Silver Street |
Come, tell of your captain and what is his name? | 388 The Happy Sailor |
Come, worship at His throne | 34b St. Thomas 169 Dartmouth |
Content with beholding His face | 127 Green Fields |
Does his Creator’s pow’r display | 468 Bristol |
Each in his proper station move | 212 Sharon |
Entered on his ark. | 506 The Ark |
Fall down before his face | 113 The Prodigal Son |
Firm as His throne His promise stands | 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
For all His kindness shown? | 298 Providence |
For his afflicted foes. | 296 Sardinia 430 Arbacoochee |
For His name’s sake He evermore | 558 Living Streams |
For you He sheds His precious blood. | 163t Morning |
For you the Savior spilt His blood | 124 Lover of the Lord |
Formed thee for His own abode. | 148 Jefferson |
From his home below to his home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
From the blessed thought of his home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
Glorious in His works and ways. | 405 The Marcellas |
Glory to His name. | 54 The Blessed Lamb |
Go and tell His disciples | 156 Jesus Rose |
God, on His thirsty Zion’s hill | 178 Africa |
Great was his elevation | 115 Edmonds |
Great was his exultation | 115 Edmonds |
Grow weary of His saints? | 178 Africa |
Hail Him who saves you by His grace | 63 Coronation 314 Cleburne |
Has His own Spirit giv’n. | 418 Reese |
Hath made and called His own. | 283 Sabbath Morning |
He bade his companions farewell | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
He bids the sun cut short his race | 301 Greenland |
He blessed his dear children, who for him now mourn | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
He bows His head and dies. | 292 Behold the Savior |
He calls thee to His throne of grace | 476 The Throne of Grace |
He formed us by His word. | 34b St. Thomas 169 Dartmouth |
He gives His precious life for you | 163t Morning |
He hides the brightness of His face | 270 Confidence |
He in His mercy doth restore | 558 Living Streams |
He left His exalted abode | 104 The Lovely Story |
He lives to bless me with His love | 277 Antioch 393 Alexander |
He met the contagion and sank to his tomb | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
He opened His mouth | 507 Sermon on the Mount |
He plants His footsteps in the sea | 478 My Rising Sun |
He saw his son returning back | 113 The Prodigal Son |
He sends His show’rs of blessing down | 200 Edom 301 Greenland 304 Morgan 528 Showers of Blessings |
He sends His Spirit with His word | 225t Reynolds |
He sends His word, and melts the snow | 38t Winter |
He shed forth His blood as the cost. | 104 The Lovely Story |
He went to his chamber, and wept | 268 David’s Lamentation |
He’ll embrace me in His arms | 312b Restoration |
Hear, lest in His wrath awaking | 263 Doddridge |
His all-discerning eyes? | 501 O’Leary |
His banner is flying, His sails are unfurled. | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
His banner over me was love. | 254 Rose of Sharon |
His beams through all the nations run | 391 Sounding Joy |
His blessed face I’ll see. | 381 Sing On |
His blessings to His heirs convey. | 486 Beneficence |
His blood availed for me. | 350 Nativity 395 New Bethel |
His blood can make the foulest clean | 350 Nativity 395 New Bethel |
His blood has entered death’s domain | 534 New Georgia |
His body bore anguish and pain | 104 The Lovely Story |
His crimes, with inward grief and shame | 44 The Converted Thief |
His disciples came unto Him. | 507 Sermon on the Mount |
His feeblest child His love shall call | 279 The Shepherd’s Flock |
His footsteps are feeble, once fearless and bold | 413 The Loved Ones |
His footsteps I will follow still | 345t Jesus Is My Friend |
His goodness and His praise. | 301 Greenland |
His government to own. | 205 Pleasant Hill |
His great name for to adore. | 144 Jubilee |
His head with awful glories crowned. | 120 Chambers |
His heart oppressed, and with anguish driv’n | 41 Home in Heaven |
His hoary frost, His fleecy snow | 38t Winter |
His house a seat of wealth shall be | 486 Beneficence |
His justice free from all decay | 486 Beneficence |
His life so freely gave | 480 Redemption |
His lightnings flash, His thunders roll | 274b Roll Jordan |
His little chosen flock. | 49b Mear |
His locks intermingled with gray | 413 The Loved Ones |
His love shines all around | 373 Homeward Bound |
His love will banish grief | 279 The Shepherd’s Flock |
His loving kindness changes not! | 424 Sweet Union |
His loving kindness Oh! how free! | 275t Loving Kindness |
His loving kindness Oh! how great! | 275t Loving Kindness |
His loving kindness Oh! how strong! | 275t Loving Kindness |
His majesty adored. | 500 Living Hope |
His mercy and His righteousness | 485 New Agatite |
His name is all my trust | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
His name is most sweetly melodious | 376 Help Me to Sing |
His name yields the sweetest perfume | 82b Edgefield 127 Green Fields |
His own soft hand shall wipe the tears | 409 Promised Day |
His pow’r subdues our sins | 36t America |
His praise forever we shall sing | 534 New Georgia |
His praise we’ll sing the earth around | 534 New Georgia |
His praises I will sing. | 530 A Glad New Song |
His prayer the dying Jesus hears | 44 The Converted Thief |
His precious blood to save us streamed | 322 Man’s Redemption |
His presence disperses my gloom | 82b Edgefield 127 Green Fields |
His presence shall my wants supply | 402 Protection |
His promise all may freely claim | 429 Christian’s Delight |
His promises are faithful — | 85 The Morning Trumpet 410b Mutual Love |
His seed on earth shall be renowned | 486 Beneficence |
His soul flew to mansions on high. | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
His soul shall ascend where Jesus is | 294 Rocky Road |
His spirit most sunk with the load | 104 The Lovely Story |
His spirit sings at home.” | 387 Penick |
His staff is your defense | 279 The Shepherd’s Flock |
His steady counsels change the face | 301 Greenland |
His stubborn heart began to melt | 113 The Prodigal Son |
His sweat was as great drops of blood. | 104 The Lovely Story |
His track I see and I’ll pursue | 53 Jerusalem 324 North Port |
His traitors and His foes. | 569b Sacred Throne |
His wonders to perform | 478 My Rising Sun |
His word my hope secures | 45t New Britain 105 Jewett |
His Word will guide you here below | 399t The Dying Friend |
His wrath forever smoke | 49b Mear |
How did his flowing tears condole | 296 Sardinia |
I feel I’m in His favor | 109 Carnsville |
I had no pow’r to ask his name | 164 Duane Street |
I know His courts, I’ll enter in | 29t Fairfield |
I sacrifice them to His blood. | 447 Wondrous Cross |
I sat down under his shadow with great delight | 254 Rose of Sharon |
I see His glorious band | 438 The Marriage in the Skies |
I seek His blessings ev’ry noon | 203 Florida |
I then more highly prize His favor | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
I want to see His face | 568 I Want to Go to Heaven |
I want to sing His praises once again | 548 Wootten |
I’ll build an altar to His name | 511 The Great Redeemer |
I’ll go, for all His paths are peace. | 53 Jerusalem 70b Save, Mighty Lord |
I will not, I will not desert to His foes. | 72b Bellevue |
I’ll seek His blessings ev’ry noon | 542 I’ll Seek His Blessings |
I’ll thank Him for His Son | 560 My Home |
I’d spread my want before His face | 476 The Throne of Grace |
If God His residence remove | 147t Boylston |
If His arm to judgment rise. | 263 Doddridge |
If I but trust His holy word | 490 My Shepherd Guides |
Impelled by His love. | 109 Carnsville |
Interposed His precious blood. | 135 Olney |
Is He a God, and shall His grace | 178 Africa |
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word | 72b Bellevue |
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds | 68b Ortonville |
Jehovah is His name | 437 Sidney |
Jesus left His home on high | 491 Oh, What Love |
Jesus, my God! I know His name | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
Jesus on His throne appears | 108t Weeping Sinners |
Lay your head upon His heav’nly breast | 494 Big Creek |
Loud let His praises ring | 354b Happy Land |
Maintain the honor of His word | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
Make His paths straight | 232 Baptismal Anthem |
Make His praises gladly ring | 491 Oh, What Love |
Many for his crying chid him | 52b Charlestown 458 Friendship |
May His great love now constrain us | 144 Jubilee |
May His rich grace the theme prolong | 411 Morning Prayer |
Men, the dear object of His grace | 409 Promised Day |
My all to His pleasures resigned | 127 Green Fields |
My rock and refuge is His throne | 26 Samaria 107 Russia |
My soul on His salvation waits. | 26 Samaria 107 Russia |
My soul repeat His praise | 36t America |
My thoughts address His throne | 203 Florida |
No, He will put His strength in me | 67 Columbus 462 Faith and Hope |
Nor dare provoke His rod | 169 Dartmouth |
Not worthy to be called his son | 113 The Prodigal Son |
Of God and loves His sacred law. | 486 Beneficence |
Of His eternal praise. | 411 Morning Prayer |
Of His o’erflowing grace. | 362 Norwich 536 Sweet Majesty |
Of his rebell’ous child. | 113 The Prodigal Son |
Of His redeeming grace. | 463 Our Humble Faith |
Of Jesus and His word? | 27 Bethel |
Of righteousness for His name’s sake. | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
Oh come, and let us worship at His feet. | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
Oh, His blood was shed that we might live | 480 Redemption |
Oh tell his companions and children most dear: | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
Oh trust His grace — in Canaan’s land | 62 Parting Hand 516 DeLong |
On his bed of pain, and uplifts his eyes | 41 Home in Heaven |
On us His providence has shone | 301 Greenland |
Or blush to speak His name? | 57 Christian Soldier 309 Living Lamb 325 Soldier of the Cross 513 Joyful |
Or but conceal His face. | 147t Boylston |
Or to defend His cause | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
Over the heav’ns He spreads His clouds | 200 Edom 301 Greenland 304 Morgan 528 Showers of Blessings |
Paid His own dearest blood. | 296 Sardinia |
Pants to view His glorious face | 84 Amsterdam |
Peace He brings you by His death | 108t Weeping Sinners |
Pleads the merit of His blood | 81t Beach Spring |
Pour out your hearts before His face | 26 Samaria 107 Russia |
Presenting at His Father’s throne | 171 Exhortation 173 Phoebus |
Pursue His footsteps still. | 456 Sacred Mount |
Redemption through his blood | 40 Lenox |
Removes His blest abode | 409 Promised Day |
Revered the terrors of His law | 379 Span of Life |
Ris’n with healing in His wings. | 81b Cookham |
See, from His head, His hands, His feet | 447 Wondrous Cross |
See, He lays His glory by | 81b Cookham |
See His burdened bosom heave! | 210 Lena |
See where He bows His sacred head! | 292 Behold the Savior |
Shall live and sing His praise above | 426b Jasper |
Shout His almighty name, ye choirs of angels | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
Shout His glorious victories | 139 Elysian |
Sit smiling on His brow | 362 Norwich 536 Sweet Majesty |
So far the riches of His grace | 36t America |
Some fresh memorials of His grace. | 566 Hebron |
Sound His praise through ev’ry nation | 322 Man’s Redemption |
Supported by His power | 109 Carnsville |
Sweetly invites His fav’rites nigh | 327 Invitation |
Than to fall at His feet | 399b Happy Christian |
That death should yield his ancient reign | 562 Infinite Delight |
That fountain in his day | 397 The Fountain |
That He may make our good His care | 411 Morning Prayer |
That I no more revere His name. | 32t Corinth |
That in His love is found | 373 Homeward Bound |
That languished at His side. | 44 The Converted Thief |
That One in all His grace I need | 93 Frozen Heart |
That prayed, and God heard from His throne. | 116 Union |
The cause of his Master propelled him from home | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
The father of his country dies. | 110 Mount Vernon |
The firmament showeth His handiwork | 518 Heavenly Anthem |
The fullness of His pow’r I prove | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
The glory due unto His name | 234 Reverential Anthem |
The glory of His cross. | 73b Arlington 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
The heedless water mocked his thirst | 164 Duane Street |
The King is mustering His guests | 438 The Marriage in the Skies |
The Lord into His garden comes | 64 Nashville 284 Garden Hymn |
The lowest place at His right hand | 562 Infinite Delight |
The road that leads to His right hand | 60 Day of Worship |
The tears are all wiped from his eyes. | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
The tokens in His hands I knew — | 164 Duane Street |
The triumphs of His grace. | 88b Mount Zion 350 Nativity 395 New Bethel |
The wat’ry worlds are all His own | 34b St. Thomas 169 Dartmouth |
Then let us in His name sing on | 283 Sabbath Morning |
Then shall His kingdom come | 354b Happy Land |
Then turned his dying eyes to Christ | 44 The Converted Thief |
There’s nothing so sweet as the sound of His name | 360 The Royal Band |
They bow with rev’rence at His feet | 196 Alabama |
Think who has died His beloved to save | 339 When I Am Gone 459 Tolling Bell |
Those happy spirits sing His praise | 196 Alabama |
Though Satan may his pow’rs employ | 213t The Good Old Way |
Through His own blood and battle scars | 534 New Georgia |
Thus far His pow’r prolonged my days | 566 Hebron |
Till he had spent his store | 113 The Prodigal Son |
Till, to his admiration | 115 Edmonds |
’Tis He, by His almighty grace | 418 Reese |
’Tis, I know, His voice so well | 410t The Dying Californian |
To call them to His arms. | 163b China |
To feast His saints today | 467 Lisbon |
To hear His justice and the sinner’s doom | 151 Symphony |
To heav’n the place of His abode | 527 My Life and Breath |
To His command we bow | 285t Arnold |
To His divine abode. | 372 Rockport |
To love his loving bride | 115 Edmonds |
To plead for all His saints | 171 Exhortation 173 Phoebus |
To praise His name above. | 109 Carnsville |
To rest in His embrace. | 84 Amsterdam |
To revive His work again. | 144 Jubilee |
To see her by his side | 115 Edmonds |
To show His meekness and His love | 207 Louisiana |
To sing His praise forevermore | 457 Wayfaring Stranger |
To sing His praise where angels sing | 549 Phillips Farewell |
To triumph in His sight. | 279 The Shepherd’s Flock |
Today attend His voice | 169 Dartmouth |
Today He makes His entrance here | 152 Shepherds Rejoice 306 Oxford |
Today, if you will hear His voice | 160b Turn, Sinner, Turn |
Triumphant in His grace. | 396 Notes Almost Divine |
Unveils the beauties of His face | 540 Nidrah |
Up to His blest abode. | 385t Fight On |
Up to His Father’s court He flies | 163t Morning |
Upwards tends to His abode | 84 Amsterdam |
Valleys lie low before His eye | 538 Hampton |
Was rejected by His own | 355 Anthem on the Savior |
We are His work, and not our own: | 169 Dartmouth |
We are His works, and not our own | 34b St. Thomas |
We at His feet may fall! | 63 Coronation |
We’re bound by the cords of His love. | 376 Help Me to Sing |
What I’ve committed to His hands | 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
When earth and heav’n before His face | 501 O’Leary |
When from the dead He raised His Son | 500 Living Hope |
When God recalls His own | 541 Home of the Blest |
When God revealed His gracious name | 297 Conversion |
When Noah with his favored few | 506 The Ark |
When they are sick, his soul complains | 296 Sardinia 430 Arbacoochee |
Where is the man that draws his breath | 547 Granville |
Where Jesus shows His smiling face. | 62 Parting Hand |
While bless’d with a sense of His love | 127 Green Fields |
While heav’n and earth His praises ring | 412 New Hosanna |
While His dear cross appears | 310 Weeping Savior |
While Jesus conquers all His foes | 64 Nashville |
While on His breast I lean my head | 30b Prospect 380 Lawrenceburg 444 All Saints New |
While sitting ’round His throne | 463 Our Humble Faith |
While ye surround His throne. | 52t Albion |
Who feels his sins forgiv’n | 77t The Child of Grace |
Who taste the sweetness of His word | 64 Nashville 284 Garden Hymn |
Will sing to His praise when we all reach home. | 507 Sermon on the Mount |
With His Father and our God | 144 Jubilee |
Ye flow’ry plains, proclaim His skill | 538 Hampton |
Yet calm are his feelings, at rest is his soul | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
Yet God hath built His Church thereon | 78 Stafford |
Yet there was something in his eye | 164 Duane Street |
Yield to His pow’r. | 213b Warning |