Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

his 466 occurrences, 380 verses, 225 songs

A heart that’s sprinkled with His blood

328 Praise God

A manger for His cradle stands

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

Against the people of His love

49b Mear

“All glory to Jesus, we’ve tasted His love!”

360 The Royal Band

All nations with his beams are blest

242 Ode on Science

All the music of His name

139 Elysian

I’m trusting in His Holy Word

206 Christian’s Hope

And all His glory see.

403 Heavenly Rest

And all His valiant soldiers

85 The Morning Trumpet

410b Mutual Love

And bounteous are his hands.

113 The Prodigal Son

And by his men of war?

101b Holy City

And double blessings on his head

296 Sardinia

And drives away his fears.

68b Ortonville

And each fulfill his part

212 Sharon

And fasting, mortified his soul

296 Sardinia

And for his house provide.

115 Edmonds

And God has showered His blessing down

466 Haynes Creek

And groaned away His dying life

214 Repentance

And guides them safely by His word

99 Gospel Trumpet

And His forgiving love

36t America

And his fruit was sweet to my taste.

254 Rose of Sharon

And his meat was locusts and wild honey.

232 Baptismal Anthem

And His shall be the praise.

225t Reynolds

And His sweet name I’ll praise

416 The Christian’s Nightly Song

And His undying love

389 Fredericksburg

And I am His forever

109 Carnsville

And I am resolved to regard all His precepts

179 The Christian Warfare

And I believed His word.

67 Columbus

And I shall see His face.

396 Notes Almost Divine

And I’d praise God in His bright abode.

106 Ecstasy

And in His arms resign my breath

170 Exhilaration

And in His arms resigned to death

544 Praise Him

And in His bosom rest?

378t Heavenly Port

And let His praise from ev’ry hill

538 Hampton

And let the celestial courts His praise repeat

223 Portuguese Hymn

And loud proclaim His work

492 Invocation

And make His glories known.

196 Alabama

And make His grace abound.

157 Essay

And makes his own destruction sure.

38b Windham

And makes His people one.

64 Nashville

And meekly bowed His dying head.

365 Southwell

And melts his pious heart.

296 Sardinia

430 Arbacoochee

And pensively stood by his tomb.

341 The Lone Pilgrim

And plants His grace within.

478 My Rising Sun

And praise His name on high

134 The Christian’s Hope

368 Stony Point

And Praise His saving grace

560 My Home

And see His humble throne

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

And shall I fear to own His cause

57 Christian Soldier

309 Living Lamb

325 Soldier of the Cross

513 Joyful

And sheds His love abroad.

540 Nidrah

And solemn oaths have bound His love

178 Africa

And sound His name abroad.

182 Newburgh

And spreads his glories to the west

242 Ode on Science

And sweeter than music His voice

82b Edgefield

127 Green Fields

And take His servants up

473 Carmarthen

And the doom of eternity hangs on His word.

149 The Trumpet

And the lamp of His love is thy guide through the gloom.

158 Funeral Thought

And the people with His truth.

234 Reverential Anthem

And then I want to sing His praise

389 Fredericksburg

And this same John had his raiment of camel’s hair

232 Baptismal Anthem

And threw his arms around the neck

113 The Prodigal Son

And thus his prayer addressed.

44 The Converted Thief

And to the world proclaim His grace.

511 The Great Redeemer

And underneath His feet He cast

291 Majesty

And where with His flocks He has gone.

571 Penitence

And with His blood He washed me clean

484 Heavenly Union

And with His children pray and talk

76b Desire For Piety

And with His glorious presence here

77t The Child of Grace

And wonders of His love.

560 My Home

Angel trumps resound His fame

139 Elysian

Apollyon, with all his powerful forces

179 The Christian Warfare

As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire!

149 The Trumpet

As the poor man toils in his weary lot:

41 Home in Heaven

At His table we’ll sit down

59 Holy Manna

Be calm and sink into His will.

429 Christian’s Delight

Be His abounding mercy praised

500 Living Hope

Before His Father’s face

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Begins his glorious way

391 Sounding Joy

Behold his kind compassion move

296 Sardinia

430 Arbacoochee

Behold, the Judge descends, His guards are nigh

151 Symphony

Bids you His salvation sing.

108t Weeping Sinners

But His great love for you I tell

399t The Dying Friend

But we believe His gracious Word

185 Pilgrim’s Farewell

Cast their crowns before His throne

139 Elysian

Christ laid aside His crown

159 Wondrous Love

Clear from the rock; his strength was gone

164 Duane Street

Come into His courts

234 Reverential Anthem

Come, like the people of His choice

169 Dartmouth

Come, sound His praise abroad

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

311 Silver Street

Come, tell of your captain and what is his name?

388 The Happy Sailor

Come, worship at His throne

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

Content with beholding His face

127 Green Fields

Does his Creator’s pow’r display

468 Bristol

Each in his proper station move

212 Sharon

Entered on his ark.

506 The Ark

Fall down before his face

113 The Prodigal Son

Firm as His throne His promise stands

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

For all His kindness shown?

298 Providence

For his afflicted foes.

296 Sardinia

430 Arbacoochee

For His name’s sake He evermore

558 Living Streams

For you He sheds His precious blood.

163t Morning

For you the Savior spilt His blood

124 Lover of the Lord

Formed thee for His own abode.

148 Jefferson

From his home below to his home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

From the blessed thought of his home in heav’n.

41 Home in Heaven

Glorious in His works and ways.

405 The Marcellas

Glory to His name.

54 The Blessed Lamb

Go and tell His disciples

156 Jesus Rose

God, on His thirsty Zion’s hill

178 Africa

Great was his elevation

115 Edmonds

Great was his exultation

115 Edmonds

Grow weary of His saints?

178 Africa

Hail Him who saves you by His grace

63 Coronation

314 Cleburne

Has His own Spirit giv’n.

418 Reese

Hath made and called His own.

283 Sabbath Morning

He bade his companions farewell

341 The Lone Pilgrim

He bids the sun cut short his race

301 Greenland

He blessed his dear children, who for him now mourn

341 The Lone Pilgrim

He bows His head and dies.

292 Behold the Savior

He calls thee to His throne of grace

476 The Throne of Grace

He formed us by His word.

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

He gives His precious life for you

163t Morning

He hides the brightness of His face

270 Confidence

He in His mercy doth restore

558 Living Streams

He left His exalted abode

104 The Lovely Story

He lives to bless me with His love

277 Antioch

393 Alexander

He met the contagion and sank to his tomb

341 The Lone Pilgrim

He opened His mouth

507 Sermon on the Mount

He plants His footsteps in the sea

478 My Rising Sun

He saw his son returning back

113 The Prodigal Son

He sends His show’rs of blessing down

200 Edom

301 Greenland

304 Morgan

528 Showers of Blessings

He sends His Spirit with His word

225t Reynolds

He sends His word, and melts the snow

38t Winter

He shed forth His blood as the cost.

104 The Lovely Story

He went to his chamber, and wept

268 David’s Lamentation

He’ll embrace me in His arms

312b Restoration

Hear, lest in His wrath awaking

263 Doddridge

His all-discerning eyes?

501 O’Leary

His banner is flying, His sails are unfurled.

119 Heaven’s My Home

His banner over me was love.

254 Rose of Sharon

His beams through all the nations run

391 Sounding Joy

His blessed face I’ll see.

381 Sing On

His blessings to His heirs convey.

486 Beneficence

His blood availed for me.

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

His blood can make the foulest clean

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

His blood has entered death’s domain

534 New Georgia

His body bore anguish and pain

104 The Lovely Story

His crimes, with inward grief and shame

44 The Converted Thief

His disciples came unto Him.

507 Sermon on the Mount

His feeblest child His love shall call

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

His footsteps are feeble, once fearless and bold

413 The Loved Ones

His footsteps I will follow still

345t Jesus Is My Friend

His goodness and His praise.

301 Greenland

His government to own.

205 Pleasant Hill

His great name for to adore.

144 Jubilee

His head with awful glories crowned.

120 Chambers

His heart oppressed, and with anguish driv’n

41 Home in Heaven

His hoary frost, His fleecy snow

38t Winter

His house a seat of wealth shall be

486 Beneficence

His justice free from all decay

486 Beneficence

His life so freely gave

480 Redemption

His lightnings flash, His thunders roll

274b Roll Jordan

His little chosen flock.

49b Mear

His locks intermingled with gray

413 The Loved Ones

His love shines all around

373 Homeward Bound

His love will banish grief

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

His loving kindness changes not!

424 Sweet Union

His loving kindness Oh! how free!

275t Loving Kindness

His loving kindness Oh! how great!

275t Loving Kindness

His loving kindness Oh! how strong!

275t Loving Kindness

His majesty adored.

500 Living Hope

His mercy and His righteousness

485 New Agatite

His name is all my trust

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

His name is most sweetly melodious

376 Help Me to Sing

His name yields the sweetest perfume

82b Edgefield

127 Green Fields

His own soft hand shall wipe the tears

409 Promised Day

His pow’r subdues our sins

36t America

His praise forever we shall sing

534 New Georgia

His praise we’ll sing the earth around

534 New Georgia

His praises I will sing.

530 A Glad New Song

His prayer the dying Jesus hears

44 The Converted Thief

His precious blood to save us streamed

322 Man’s Redemption

His presence disperses my gloom

82b Edgefield

127 Green Fields

His presence shall my wants supply

402 Protection

His promise all may freely claim

429 Christian’s Delight

His promises are faithful —

85 The Morning Trumpet

410b Mutual Love

His seed on earth shall be renowned

486 Beneficence

His soul flew to mansions on high.

341 The Lone Pilgrim

His soul shall ascend where Jesus is

294 Rocky Road

His spirit most sunk with the load

104 The Lovely Story

His spirit sings at home.”

387 Penick

His staff is your defense

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

His steady counsels change the face

301 Greenland

His stubborn heart began to melt

113 The Prodigal Son

His sweat was as great drops of blood.

104 The Lovely Story

His track I see and I’ll pursue

53 Jerusalem

324 North Port

His traitors and His foes.

569b Sacred Throne

His wonders to perform

478 My Rising Sun

His word my hope secures

45t New Britain

105 Jewett

His Word will guide you here below

399t The Dying Friend

His wrath forever smoke

49b Mear

How did his flowing tears condole

296 Sardinia

I feel I’m in His favor

109 Carnsville

I had no pow’r to ask his name

164 Duane Street

I know His courts, I’ll enter in

29t Fairfield

I sacrifice them to His blood.

447 Wondrous Cross

I sat down under his shadow with great delight

254 Rose of Sharon

I see His glorious band

438 The Marriage in the Skies

I seek His blessings ev’ry noon

203 Florida

I then more highly prize His favor

326 Weary Pilgrim

I want to see His face

568 I Want to Go to Heaven

I want to sing His praises once again

548 Wootten

I’ll build an altar to His name

511 The Great Redeemer

I’ll go, for all His paths are peace.

53 Jerusalem

70b Save, Mighty Lord

I will not, I will not desert to His foes.

72b Bellevue

I’ll seek His blessings ev’ry noon

542 I’ll Seek His Blessings

I’ll thank Him for His Son

560 My Home

I’d spread my want before His face

476 The Throne of Grace

If God His residence remove

147t Boylston

If His arm to judgment rise.

263 Doddridge

If I but trust His holy word

490 My Shepherd Guides

Impelled by His love.

109 Carnsville

Interposed His precious blood.

135 Olney

Is He a God, and shall His grace

178 Africa

Is laid for your faith in His excellent word

72b Bellevue

It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds

68b Ortonville

Jehovah is His name

437 Sidney

Jesus left His home on high

491 Oh, What Love

Jesus, my God! I know His name

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Jesus on His throne appears

108t Weeping Sinners

Lay your head upon His heav’nly breast

494 Big Creek

Loud let His praises ring

354b Happy Land

Maintain the honor of His word

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Make His paths straight

232 Baptismal Anthem

Make His praises gladly ring

491 Oh, What Love

Many for his crying chid him

52b Charlestown

458 Friendship

May His great love now constrain us

144 Jubilee

May His rich grace the theme prolong

411 Morning Prayer

Men, the dear object of His grace

409 Promised Day

My all to His pleasures resigned

127 Green Fields

My rock and refuge is His throne

26 Samaria

107 Russia

My soul on His salvation waits.

26 Samaria

107 Russia

My soul repeat His praise

36t America

My thoughts address His throne

203 Florida

No, He will put His strength in me

67 Columbus

462 Faith and Hope

Nor dare provoke His rod

169 Dartmouth

Not worthy to be called his son

113 The Prodigal Son

Of God and loves His sacred law.

486 Beneficence

Of His eternal praise.

411 Morning Prayer

Of His o’erflowing grace.

362 Norwich

536 Sweet Majesty

Of his rebell’ous child.

113 The Prodigal Son

Of His redeeming grace.

463 Our Humble Faith

Of Jesus and His word?

27 Bethel

Of righteousness for His name’s sake.

524 The Twenty-Third Psalm

Oh come, and let us worship at His feet.

223 Portuguese Hymn

Oh, His blood was shed that we might live

480 Redemption

Oh tell his companions and children most dear:

341 The Lone Pilgrim

Oh trust His grace — in Canaan’s land

62 Parting Hand

516 DeLong

On his bed of pain, and uplifts his eyes

41 Home in Heaven

On us His providence has shone

301 Greenland

Or blush to speak His name?

57 Christian Soldier

309 Living Lamb

325 Soldier of the Cross

513 Joyful

Or but conceal His face.

147t Boylston

Or to defend His cause

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

Over the heav’ns He spreads His clouds

200 Edom

301 Greenland

304 Morgan

528 Showers of Blessings

Paid His own dearest blood.

296 Sardinia

Pants to view His glorious face

84 Amsterdam

Peace He brings you by His death

108t Weeping Sinners

Pleads the merit of His blood

81t Beach Spring

Pour out your hearts before His face

26 Samaria

107 Russia

Presenting at His Father’s throne

171 Exhortation

173 Phoebus

Pursue His footsteps still.

456 Sacred Mount

Redemption through his blood

40 Lenox

Removes His blest abode

409 Promised Day

Revered the terrors of His law

379 Span of Life

Ris’n with healing in His wings.

81b Cookham

See, from His head, His hands, His feet

447 Wondrous Cross

See, He lays His glory by

81b Cookham

See His burdened bosom heave!

210 Lena

See where He bows His sacred head!

292 Behold the Savior

Shall live and sing His praise above

426b Jasper

Shout His almighty name, ye choirs of angels

223 Portuguese Hymn

Shout His glorious victories

139 Elysian

Sit smiling on His brow

362 Norwich

536 Sweet Majesty

So far the riches of His grace

36t America

Some fresh memorials of His grace.

566 Hebron

Sound His praise through ev’ry nation

322 Man’s Redemption

Supported by His power

109 Carnsville

Sweetly invites His fav’rites nigh

327 Invitation

Than to fall at His feet

399b Happy Christian

That death should yield his ancient reign

562 Infinite Delight

That fountain in his day

397 The Fountain

That He may make our good His care

411 Morning Prayer

That I no more revere His name.

32t Corinth

That in His love is found

373 Homeward Bound

That languished at His side.

44 The Converted Thief

That One in all His grace I need

93 Frozen Heart

That prayed, and God heard from His throne.

116 Union

The cause of his Master propelled him from home

341 The Lone Pilgrim

The father of his country dies.

110 Mount Vernon

The firmament showeth His handiwork

518 Heavenly Anthem

The fullness of His pow’r I prove

326 Weary Pilgrim

The glory due unto His name

234 Reverential Anthem

The glory of His cross.

73b Arlington

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

The heedless water mocked his thirst

164 Duane Street

The King is mustering His guests

438 The Marriage in the Skies

The Lord into His garden comes

64 Nashville

284 Garden Hymn

The lowest place at His right hand

562 Infinite Delight

The road that leads to His right hand

60 Day of Worship

The tears are all wiped from his eyes.

341 The Lone Pilgrim

The tokens in His hands I knew —

164 Duane Street

The triumphs of His grace.

88b Mount Zion

350 Nativity

395 New Bethel

The wat’ry worlds are all His own

34b St. Thomas

169 Dartmouth

Then let us in His name sing on

283 Sabbath Morning

Then shall His kingdom come

354b Happy Land

Then turned his dying eyes to Christ

44 The Converted Thief

There’s nothing so sweet as the sound of His name

360 The Royal Band

They bow with rev’rence at His feet

196 Alabama

Think who has died His beloved to save

339 When I Am Gone

459 Tolling Bell

Those happy spirits sing His praise

196 Alabama

Though Satan may his pow’rs employ

213t The Good Old Way

Through His own blood and battle scars

534 New Georgia

Thus far His pow’r prolonged my days

566 Hebron

Till he had spent his store

113 The Prodigal Son

Till, to his admiration

115 Edmonds

’Tis He, by His almighty grace

418 Reese

’Tis, I know, His voice so well

410t The Dying Californian

To call them to His arms.

163b China

To feast His saints today

467 Lisbon

To hear His justice and the sinner’s doom

151 Symphony

To heav’n the place of His abode

527 My Life and Breath

To His command we bow

285t Arnold

To His divine abode.

372 Rockport

To love his loving bride

115 Edmonds

To plead for all His saints

171 Exhortation

173 Phoebus

To praise His name above.

109 Carnsville

To rest in His embrace.

84 Amsterdam

To revive His work again.

144 Jubilee

To see her by his side

115 Edmonds

To show His meekness and His love

207 Louisiana

To sing His praise forevermore

457 Wayfaring Stranger

To sing His praise where angels sing

549 Phillips Farewell

To triumph in His sight.

279 The Shepherd’s Flock

Today attend His voice

169 Dartmouth

Today He makes His entrance here

152 Shepherds Rejoice

306 Oxford

Today, if you will hear His voice

160b Turn, Sinner, Turn

Triumphant in His grace.

396 Notes Almost Divine

Unveils the beauties of His face

540 Nidrah

Up to His blest abode.

385t Fight On

Up to His Father’s court He flies

163t Morning

Upwards tends to His abode

84 Amsterdam

Valleys lie low before His eye

538 Hampton

Was rejected by His own

355 Anthem on the Savior

We are His work, and not our own:

169 Dartmouth

We are His works, and not our own

34b St. Thomas

We at His feet may fall!

63 Coronation

We’re bound by the cords of His love.

376 Help Me to Sing

What I’ve committed to His hands

74t The Enquirer

483 Eternal Light

When earth and heav’n before His face

501 O’Leary

When from the dead He raised His Son

500 Living Hope

When God recalls His own

541 Home of the Blest

When God revealed His gracious name

297 Conversion

When Noah with his favored few

506 The Ark

When they are sick, his soul complains

296 Sardinia

430 Arbacoochee

Where is the man that draws his breath

547 Granville

Where Jesus shows His smiling face.

62 Parting Hand

While bless’d with a sense of His love

127 Green Fields

While heav’n and earth His praises ring

412 New Hosanna

While His dear cross appears

310 Weeping Savior

While Jesus conquers all His foes

64 Nashville

While on His breast I lean my head

30b Prospect

380 Lawrenceburg

444 All Saints New

While sitting ’round His throne

463 Our Humble Faith

While ye surround His throne.

52t Albion

Who feels his sins forgiv’n

77t The Child of Grace

Who taste the sweetness of His word

64 Nashville

284 Garden Hymn

Will sing to His praise when we all reach home.

507 Sermon on the Mount

With His Father and our God

144 Jubilee

Ye flow’ry plains, proclaim His skill

538 Hampton

Yet calm are his feelings, at rest is his soul

341 The Lone Pilgrim

Yet God hath built His Church thereon

78 Stafford

Yet there was something in his eye

164 Duane Street

Yield to His pow’r.

213b Warning