Indexes for The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition

fly 40 occurrences, 30 verses, 37 songs

And fly to unknown lands.

440 North Salem

And looked this way and that to fly

484 Heavenly Union

And must my trembling spirit fly

47b Idumea

428 World Unknown

And see the tempter fly.

455 Soar Away

And shout salvation as I fly!

170 Exhilaration

And to the heavens fly.

455 Soar Away

And whisper as they fly.

266 Kingwood

Fly fearless through death’s iron gate

30b Prospect

111b To Die No More

275b Roll On

380 Lawrenceburg

444 All Saints New

Fly like a youthful hart or roe

327 Invitation

Fly rapid as the whirling spheres

266 Kingwood

Fly swift around, ye wheels of time

155 Northfield

330t Horton

409 Promised Day

For refuge fly!

213b Warning

From grief and woe my soul shall fly

282 I’m Going Home

I would fly away and be at rest

106 Ecstasy

I’d fly to see my God above.

455 Soar Away

I’d to those rivers fly

61 Sweet Rivers

Lend your wings! I mount! I fly!

245 Claremont

Let me to Thy bosom fly

452 Martin

My spirit shall fly out and sing

343 Happy Home

My spirit shall triumphant fly

240 Christian Song

On wings of love I’ll fly

85 The Morning Trumpet

129 Heavenly Armor

On wings of love we’ll fly.

534 New Georgia

Salvation! Let the echo fly

47t Primrose

Shall fly from all nations the best of mankind

358 Murillo’s Lesson

So soon our transient comforts fly

32b Distress

Till God shall bid it fly.

218 Mount Pleasant

418 Reese

453 Holly Springs

To escape hell and fly to heav’n

28b Wells

To heav’n above shall fly.

177 The Christian’s Flight

Up to the Lord our souls shall fly

163b China

We fly to our maker, save, Lord or we perish.

224 Save, Lord, or We Perish